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Reference Manual for the Class Library

Table of Contents


This VFSM System Class Library Reference Manual covers the classes, global functions and declarations used to build a full-fledged control system on the surface of Windows XP/2000/NT (or generally WIN32) or other Operating Systems. The manual is divided into two parts:

  1. Introduction to the VFSM System Class Library shows how to work with the VFSM System classes, it has six chapters:
    1. Lists the classes in helpful categories.
    2. Shows how to integrate a VFSM System into a VisualC++ application framework.
    3. Describes with examples how to write IO-Handlers, the links to the input/output hardware.
    4. Shows how to write your own output functions to Vfsm’s output actions.
    5. Explains function and details of the host interface to the real-time database.
    6. Shows the concept of internationalization of the message texts.
  2. The VFSM System Class Library Reference contains the following components:
    • A description of a selection of the classes used by a system integrator
    • A section that explains global declarations

Be aware that the class documentation does not include repeated descriptions of inherited member functions. Overridden virtual member functions are included if their implementation is different from the superclass. If not included you must refer to the base classes depicted in the hierarchy diagram.

The class description is not complete. In principle, it includes classes and methods that are used to understand and integrate the VFSM System to an application and to write IO-Handlers and output functions. Not all described classes are really needed when coding but some of them are included in the manual for better system understanding (for instance the C_VFSM class). Several classes which are used only internally in the RTDB are completely omitted. The Manual documents ca. 30 classes from 70 classes which are used by the RTDB implementation.

Intended Audience

This manual is designed to be used as a guide for the StateWORKS developer who has an understanding of object-oriented concepts, multitasking operating systems and C++ programming language. It is also assumed that the developer knows the StateWORKS Development Tools.

Document Conventions

This manual uses the following typographic conventions.

Example of ConventionDescription
CIO_Handler::SetOutputC++ methods and references to classes, procedure declarations.
stAttrKeyIn text and method/procedure declarations, italic letters indicate placeholders. In text italic words refer to titles, lists or examples.
SYSTYP.HWords in capital letters indicate file names or constants.
Void SetOutUnit (int n, WORD w)
  int ret = Out(n, w);
This style is used for sample code or sample configuration text. Also for items typically used in program context, e.g. enumeration.
Associated Item List (AIL)Acronyms are usually spelled out the first time they are used.
VSFILE_AllWordsGlobal procedures have a preamble consisting of the module file name (VSFILE.C/.H)
<NL>Non printable ASCII characters (e.g. NL = new line = 0x0A)
IOD-File, *.IODThe IOD-file, all files with the extension IOD
CS_RESET, CC_ResetEnumeration representations for the states of the several item types are written in all capital letters. Commands are written with the first letter capitalized.
C_ALThe class of the alarm items. (This doesn’t apply only to AL items but to all item types)
ALThe StateWORKS Studio doesn’t use the preamble C_. But it means the same as C_AL.
AL item or C_AL itemUsed to point out that they belong to the database
C_AL item object or C_AL objectUsed to point out that a certain instance of C_AL is meant.
LinkItemName of the item in a host conversation (comes from DDE/VisualBasic).

Registered Trademarks: All trademarks acknowledged as such.

References to “WINDOWS”, Win32, Window NT etc. are all intended to refer to the Microsoft products of those names, as is quite clear from the context, so ™, © and ® symbols have been used sparingly, so as to avoid an irritating appearance of the document.

References to “WindowsNT” imply various Microsoft products, including Windows NT4 and Windows NT5 – namely Windows 2000 and Windows XP – and future compatible products.

References to “UNIX” or “UNIX-like” operating systems acknowledge the rights of the UNIX trade-mark holder to that name.

1. Introduction to the VFSM System Class Library

  1. The VFSM System Class Library
  2. Integration of the VFSM System into a Win32 Application
  3. Writing IO-Handlers
  4. User Written Output Functions
  5. The Host Interface to the RTDB
  6. Internationalization Support

1.1 The VFSM System Class Library

This chapter categorizes the classes in the VFSM System Class Library version 5.0. These classes support control application development for Microsoft® WindowsNT/2000/XP (generally WIN32) or other Operating Systems, with or without disc storage. (Note that the software is not based on the Microsoft Foundation Classes, and this implies compatibility to other systems such as UNIX™ and derivatives of its ideas such as Linux or VxWorks™.)

Because the class library is built around a Real-time Database (RTDB) containing objects used in control applications the database item classes are the largest and most important group of classes. Although the whole system consists of more than seventy classes this manual only describes the thirty or so that are interesting to system integrators and those users who write their own I/O handlers and output functions.

The following categories of classes from VFSM System library are presented here:

  • RTDB Management
  • RTDB General Items
  • RTDB I/O-Items
  • Accessories to the RTDB Items

At the end of this chapter there is a map showing all these classes and their hierarchical dependencies.

1.1.1 Real-time Database Management

Management of the databases means at System Startup to build-up the database with its items according to the Configuration File and the Description Files. At runtime clients have access to the database that acts as a data server. The following class represents the databases:

CItemListCollection of all the item objects

CItemList is the heart of the Real-time Database. At System Startup it reads the Configuration File and creates, initializes and connects the database items. During runtime the entries are accessed directly and fast by pointers. The host interface accesses the items by their names. CItemList performs this access. Every item has itself a global access to CItemList. So it could talk to any other item if it knew its name.

1.1.2 RTDB General Items

The database items perform the control system’s control flow. They are created and connected during System Startup according to the Configuration File. The general items have no direct connection to the system’s environment (except to the file and timer system):

General ItemsDescription
CitemSuperclass of all items, performing the systems control flow. This is a virtual class; there are no instances of this class.
C_ALAlarm object with alarm-text.
C_CMDCommand to a Vfsm possibly with command text.
C_CNTCounter with counter-register and constant defining overflow.
C_DATHolds and organizes a data.
C_ECNTSubclass of C_CNT counting external events.
C_OFUNConnection to the system environment of a user written output function.
C_PARSubclass of C_DAT holding system’s parameters, possibly persistent.
C_SWIPSupervises low and high limits for a C_DAT and C_DAT derived item.
C_STRExtracts substrings from a C_DAT and C_DAT derived item (string) using regular expressions.
C_TABMultiplexes several C_DAT and C_DAT derived items to one output.
C_TITimer object with several timebase options, subclass of C_CNT.
C_UDCUp/Down counter, subclass of C_DAT.
C_VFSMHolds a Virtual Finite State Machine.
C_XDAHolds a certain number of bytes.

The class CItem is the superclass of all item types. The class C_DAT is the superclass of all the items that additionally perform a data flow especially in a form of C_PAR and C_UDC classes. The class C_CNT is a superclass of items that perform counting functions, like C_ECNT and C_TI.

1.1.3 RTDB IO-Items

IO-Items represent the connection to or from the system’s peripherals:

C_DIDigital Input.
C_DODigital Output.
C_NINumerical Input.
C_NONumerical Output.
C_UNITObject collecting several IO-Items.

C_UNIT items have no data and no control flow. They just act as containers for the other IO-Items. C_NI and C_NO items are subclasses of C_DAT and perform this way a data flow.

The distinction between General and IO-Items does not mean that the General items cannot connect to system peripherals. Some of them can do this using the dependency mechanism.

1.1.4 Accessories to the RTDB Items

The following accessory classes work together with the database items. They give them the specific item behavior:

CAssItemListCollection of items working together with the owner item (C_VFSM, C_UNIT).
CUniversalData element in several formats and operators.
CIO_HandlerVirtual superclass of the user written IO-Handlers.
CQueueReceiverMessage queue receiver with process synchronization.
CQueueSenderCounter part of CQueueReceiver.
CRegistryAccess to Registry or Registry (EP parameter persistency).
CRegistryConfAccess to Registry or Registry files (System configuration paths).

CAssItemList is used only by C_UNIT and C_VFSM items to store the pointers to the items they work together with. CUniversal is a universal data type with the according data manipulations. It is used by all C_DAT type items; it is “the data” in the system’s data flow. CIO_Handler is the superclass of all (user written) IO-Handlers. It holds the connection to one C_UNIT item and passes this way the appropriate information from the Configuration File to the IO-Handler. CQueueReceiver and CQueueSender is the implementation of a fast message queue mechanism usable for instance between IO-Handlers and IO-Handler threads. The CRegistry and CRegistryConf are used to access Windows Registry or equivalent Registry files in a non-Windows environment.

1.1.5 Map of the Class Library


1.2 Integration of the VFSM System into a Win32 Application

This chapter describes how to integrate a VFSM System with the RTDB to a Win32 operating system like WindowsNT. The environment is assumed to be a Microsoft VisualC++/Foundation Class Document/View Framework application (MFC).

The RTDB itself is not based on MFC. So it is possible to integrate a VFSM System with any multi-tasking (real-time) OS.

In the following section we will integrate a VFSM System to a VisualC++ framework. Although the description is in a form of cook-book, a basic understanding of the VisualC++ workbench is recommended. Be aware that the result is a very simple application, just to show the hooks of the system.

First let the Application Wizard create a single document application (MFC in a static library). Rename the following classes:

Application class to CvfsmApp
Document class to CvfsmDoc
View class to CvfsmView

Then let the Class Wizard generate the methods:

"OnIdle" in CVfsmApp
"OnTimer" in CVfsmView
"OnCreate" in CVfsmView

1.2.1 Where to place the VFSM System

The integration is done in four steps: place the RTDB database, load the configuration file, attach to system timer, and attach to Windows queue. And sometimes after running the system a very last step is necessary: destruction of the VFSM System and the RTDB.

Place the database

The database is considered a kind of document, so it is placed in the document class. Enter for that the declaration of the VFSM System library to the CVfsmDoc’s h-file and the database as a member variable to the class definition:

// Doc.h : interface of the CVfsmDoc class
#include "vswin.h"
class CVfsmDoc : public CDocument
// Attributes
CVfsmSystem m_VfsmSystem;
// other object belongings

The CVfsmApp needs to know the database. So it gets a pointer to it. Don’t forget to initialize the pointer to NULL in the class constructor. The CVfsmApp’s h-file looks like this:

class CVfsmSystem;
class CVfsmApp : public CWinApp
// Attributes
CVfsmSystem* m_pVfsmSystem;
// other object belongings

The pointer is connected in the CVfsmDoc’s constructor. Add for that the following lines:

CVfsmApp* pWinApp = (CVfsmApp*)AfxGetApp();
pWinApp->m_pVfsmSystem = &m_VfsmSystem;
StateWORKS Studio generated files

The RTDB library is the heart of the VFSM System. The RTDB contains the VFSM Executor which carries out specifications of state machines, effectively controlling the application behavior. The structure of the RTDB and its behavior is specified by a set of files generated by StateWORKS Studio:

ProjectName.swdConfiguration file.
StateMachineName.hContains enumerations which define: Items used by the state machine, virtual Input Names, virtual Output Names State Names and Command Names.
StateMachineName.iodContains string lists corresponding to enumerations in StateMachineName.h.
StateMachineName.strContains strings which define state machine behavior.
UnitName.hContains enumerations which define Items used by IO-Handler or Output Function and Command Names.
UnitName.iodContains string lists corresponding to enumerations in UnitName.h.

There is one configuration (SWD) file for an application. The configuration file defines all RTDB items.

Each state machine type and each unit type has its own H-, STR- and IOD-file. The H-files are used for writing IO-Handlers and Output Functions. The IOD- and STR-files are rather irrelevant for programming.

Load the Configuration File

Add the following lines. At last the CVfsmDoc’s constructor will look something like this:

CVfsmApp* pWinApp = (CVfsmApp*)AfxGetApp();
pWinApp->m_pVfsmSystem = &m_VfsmSystem;
CString stVfsmDir = "C:\\VS\\VFSMEXA\\DivTests\\";
CString stDataDir = "C:\\VS\\VFSMEXA\\DivTests\\";
CString stConfigName = "C:\\VS\\VFSMEXA\\DivTests\\udc.swd";
bool bConfigOk;
bConfigOk = m_VfsmSystem.Create( ConvertString(stVfsmDir),
ConvertString(stConfigName) );

The VFSM System needs to know two directories. One directory (stVfsmDir) where it expects the VFSM description files (the *.IOD and *.STR files) and a second directory (stDataDir) where it puts the startup log-file. Then it needs the configuration file (stConfigName). Usually all these files are in the same directory. Of course these lines have to be adapted to the directory where the files really are. Create() produces a file named SULOG.TXT1 in the stDataDir-directory. It reports information (date of creation, statistics), warnings (if there are missing objects but the VFSM System is able to run with default values) and at last errors. Errors are for instance missing VFSM description files or no configuration file at all. If there are errors Create() returns false. Then it would be better not to continue. The VFSM System is most likely unable to run and can even produce an exception. If Create() returns true the database with all its objects and state machines is created, but there is no access to them yet.

Note, that the example used fixed path and file names. A more realistic solution gets the start-up information from the Windows Registry (see CRegister and CRegisterConf classes) or from equivalent Registry files for a non-Windows environment.

Attach to System Timer

Add the statement SetTimer() to the CVfsmView’s method OnCreate(). It then looks finally like this:

int CVfsmView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
if (CView::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
return -1;
// TODO: Add your specialized creation code here
CVfsmDoc* pDoc = GetDocument ();
pDoc->m_VfsmSystem.AttachToMainWindow (this);
SetTimer (1, 100, NULL);
return 0;

The timer started in the second last line is used as the VFSM System’s timebase. CVfsmSystem class’ method TimeBaseTick() is called in the View object’s method OnTime() that is called every 100ms by the Windows event handler:

void CVfsmView::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent)
CVfsmDoc* pDoc = GetDocument ();
if(nIDEvent == 1) pDoc->m_VfsmSystem.TimeBaseTick();
Attach to Windows Queue

Complete the CVfsmApp class’ method OnIdle() as follows:

bool CVfsmApp::OnIdle(LONG lCount)
if(m_pVfsmSystem != NULL)
while ( m_pVfsmSystem->PollAdviseQueue() ) { };
return CWinApp::OnIdle(lCount);

Between the database and the Windows thread there is a message queue. It decouples the real-time database events from the Windows event queue. OnIdle() is called by the Windows event queue on its idle time. PollAdviseQueue() checks for entries in the database queue and puts the database events to the Windows queue in a form of Host (TCP/IP and DDE) events.

The VFSM System’s real-time database is now fully functioning. It is able to answer the Host clients’ requests. It handles timer events and it can send these events to its Host clients. What’s missing now is the link to the hardware. There is no connection to input and output hardware yet.

Destruct the VFSM System

The VFSM System is able to destruct itself when the application stops existing. This is the case in the very simple example above. A more comfortable application should be able to select and change the database configuration via the framework’s file handling. Then it is necessary to destruct the RTDB programmatically. Use for that the following statement:


This could be placed for instance in the CDocument class’ method OnNewDocument(). RemoveAll() deletes all the objects from the real-time database. It is then ready for a next Create() with another configuration file.

1.2.2 The RTDB Layer Model

The database is located between the interfaces to the Host (which may be typically a User- Interface) and the IO- and Timer-Handler. It has no direct contact to user or peripherals:


According to the three boxes around the database there are three sources of events:

  • from the Host Interface
  • from the Timer
  • from the IO hardware
Input Events
From the Host Interface

The host interface is message oriented. For instance a GUI (graphical user interface) might reside in another program or even on a different computer. It has no direct access to the RTDB. It sends messages containing commands to the RTDB’s host interface. So the arrival of such a message is an input event.

From the Timer

The Real-time Database is assumed to be invoked every time interval (tick) - for instance every 100ms or every second, so that it can handle its own timer objects. Such a tick doesn’t directly produce events. It rather triggers the timer objects to increment their counter registers. If a timer object expires, then an event is produced, so only then does the tick produce an event.

From the IO-Handler

In a real-time system we expect most of the events to come from the input hardware. In the VFSM System these events are typically not produced by the inputs themselves. This only can happen when there is an interrupt-driven input handler. More typical input handlers are so-called polling loops which are triggered (or invoked) periodically. Polling means that a regular time intervals all the inputs are read from the peripherals and checked whether they have changed since the previous reading. If so, then an input event is produced. But initially the event was triggered by a time interval just like the timer events. So in the case of input polling there are only two sources of events to the VFSM System: the User Interface and the Timer. Then the layer model can be altered to this:


Output Events

Outputs are events too but only to the outside world, the Host Interface and the peripherals. They do not trigger the VFSM System; they are produced by it and then forgotten. Of course in a control system the outputs are the most important thing, but because of their straightforward behavior they cause us little trouble.

Event Control Flow

The following picture shows some scenarios of control flows. Control flows always start with an event. Sometimes they are without consequence, but usually they end at an output.


  1. Command from the User Interface (UI), an output to the peripherals is set.
  2. Command from the UI, no output is set. This typically happens, when the UI sets some data to the database (this is rather a data flow than a control flow) or when the command is stored in the database for later use (later use means that the occurrence of this event is a prerequisite in a combination of several events, so the command will be effective at a later time).
  3. An input from the peripherals produces an event. This causes a message to the User Interface. The UI for instance sets a certain display.
  4. An input from the peripherals produces an event that sets an output to the peripherals.
  5. An input from the peripherals produces an event. The event is either ignored or stored in the database for later use (see also 2.) but there is no immediate reaction.
  6. One event (from peripherals or UI) can lead to the generation of several messages to the User Interface and/or several output settings.
VFSM Control Flow

The StateWORKS RTDB implements the virtual finite state machine (VFSM) concept which insists that data and control flow are separated in the software.

Software operates on data which are processed: transformed, stored or transferred. The task of the control flow is to decide how and when data are processed.

Data may be of different types: digital (two-valued), integer, float, or strings for example. Software is triggered by various signals, such as inputs from the external or internal devices, interrupts or timers. All triggers and data contain control information which we call control values. Examples:

  • A digital value is pure control information having two2 control values: On and Off. Note that the value On may be: true or false, high or low, enabled or disabled depending on the context.
  • An integer value may represent commands (Cmd_Start, Cmd_Stop, Cmd_Go, Cmd_Continue, Cmd_On, Cmd_Off, etc.).
  • Ranges of a float value may be represented by control values like: Level_Low, Level_High, Level_Ok, etc.
  • Timer expiration may generate a control value: Timer_OVER. Note that in some applications other Timer states (Timer_Running, Timer_Stopped, etc.) may have significant control meanings.
  • States of a state machine represent control values: Motor_On, Motor_OnBusy, Motor_OffBusy, Motor_Off, etc. and are often used as inputs to higher level state machines.

Control values defined in an application should represent the entire control information and should be used to specify the behavior of the application software. All control values defined for an application represent the control information relevant to that application and are called virtual inputs. For instance, values defined in the examples above may be virtual inputs of a certain application:

On, Off, Cmd_Start, Cmd_Stop, Cmd_Go, Cmd_Continue, Cmd_On, Cmd_Off, Level_Low, Level_High, Level_Ok, Timer_OVER, Timer_Running, Timer_Stopped, Motor_On, Motor_OnBusy, Motor_OffBusy, Motor_Off.

The RTDB filters the control values from external (digital inputs, analog (numerical) inputs, commands) and internal (timers, counters, parameters, state machines) objects. The VFSM state machine Executor uses these values, as virtual inputs to control the application.

The same concept applies to outputs. Outputs in the control flow are descriptions (names) of activities. In contrast to inputs the outputs are not used for control of the software, but represent only its actions; therefore we omit the word control while speaking about outputs (otherwise we should use input control values and output control values to distinguish the two). Examples:

  • A digital value has two values3 called: On and Off. Note that for instance the value On may be: true or false, high or low, enabled or disabled, etc. depending on the context.
  • An integer value may represent commands (Cmd_Start, Cmd_Stop, Cmd_Go, Cmd_Continue, Cmd_On, Cmd_Off, etc.) sent typically to other state machines.
  • Setting of a float value may be defined as values: No_Off, No_On specifying that a physical value is to be set, the true data value being irrelevant for control purposes in terms of software behavior, even though it will be important for the application.
  • Timer control requires values like: Timer_Start, Timer_Reset, Timer_Stop, etc.

As for virtual inputs, virtual outputs are defined as a set of all output values defined for a given application. For instance, values defined in the examples above may be virtual outputs of a certain application:

On, Off, Cmd_Start, Cmd_Stop, Cmd_Go, Cmd_Continue, Cmd_On, Cmd_Off, No_Off, No_On, Timer_Start, Timer_Reset, Timer_Stop.

The VFSM state machine Executor produces these values. The RTDB deals with them, as actions, by passing them to I/O-Handlers, Output Functions or triggering internal devices.

1.2.3 Libraries

The VFSM System employs three libraries:

  1. the Database Library
  2. the IOH-Library and
  3. the User Output Function Library.

The Database Library is hidden from the user. It only gives access to its classes and methods via the h-files. The implementation depends on the Operating System. For instance, for Win32 it is called WinRTDB.lib and the h-files are placed in a directory \INC.

The IOH-Library contains all the Input/Output-Handler dependent classes and methods. As these files have to be written by the user (or the distributor) of the system they are open to the user (h- and cpp-files).

The User Output Function Library has to be written by the user (or programmer) of the system. Here, there are the output functions that are not provided by the VFSM system (for instance arithmetic, data collection, file handling). Of course, like the IOH-Library it is open to the user.

1.3 Writing IO-Handlers

This chapter describes how to write IO-Handlers and how to attach them to the VFSM System. The same framework example as in the previous chapter is used to explain an example of an IO-Handler.

An IO-Handler is derived from the CIO_Handler class. CIO_Handler class implements connections to the database.

1.3.1 Connection to the IO-Hardware

The hardware could be attached directly to the computer bus, or it could be connected via a serial line or a local area network. In any case, the IO-hardware is assumed to be divided into units with a certain physical address and/or communication port. A unit can have a number of inputs, outputs or both called the channels. A simple example is a digital input (DI) port. The 8 bits of its data byte are the 8 channels and its IO-address is the physical address. A hardware unit is represented (and controlled) by its software counterpart, the IO-Handler. An IO-Handler is a class derived from the superclass CIO_Handler. It holds all the data and methods needed to control the appropriate hardware. In the above DI example the IO-Handler would store the last read value to find out which bits have changed.

Connection to the Input Hardware

The input control flow goes from the electrical signal via input hardware, the IO-Handler to the Database.


Input Port IO Handler IO-Unit RTDB The information whether the switch is open or closed is passed over four connections:

  1. The information is produced at the physical interface.
  2. The IO-Handler gets (or fetches) the information from the appropriate IO-hardware.
  3. The IO-Handler processes the information and places it in the input items of the database. This is described later in the section “Connection to the Database”.
The IO-Handler gets (or fetches) the information from the appropriate IO- hardware

As mentioned earlier there are two ways to get information from the hardware to the IO-Handler:

  • The IO-Handler is invoked by an interrupt from the input hardware itself.
  • The IO-Handler is invoked periodically by a timer. Of course within the computer system this is an interrupt too.

The direct input interrupt could be faster because of the immediate handling and because the interrupt itself points to the data that have changed. In the polling method some time passes between the polling cycles, and in every polling cycle all the inputs have to be read because nobody knows which of them have changed. Nevertheless, although the direct method is more efficient, in most cases the polling method is employed because of its simpler handling. In both cases the IO-Handler is invoked or called by an interrupt service routine. The IO-Handler has then to get the physical address of the data either via the interrupt vector or in the polling method by stepping through all its physical addresses.

The IO-Handler passes the raw information to the IO-Handler

Let’s assume, the IO-Handler has just read the raw data from one physical address. It has now to pass this data exactly to the one IO-Handler object that belongs to this physical address. For every physical address there must be an IO-Handler of the type that fits to the appropriate hardware. There are two major ways of running an IO-Handler. An IO-Handler can be passive. It is assumed to be called periodically by a timer of the application framework. An active IO-Handler is able to run periodically by itself. It has for that purpose its own thread that wakes it up at certain time periods. If there are several IO-Handlers of that kind, it happens that two or more of them access a certain database item at the same time. What happens if one handler sets a database item to one value and another handler sets it to another value? The database is able to handle this conflict. It does this by allowing only one thread at the time to access its items. This is implemented by declaring the database as a Critical Region. Only one thread can enter that region; the others have to wait.

Connection to the Output Hardware

We look at the control flow between the database and the output hardware.


The output data passes in the same way as described in the input hardware, but in the opposite direction:

  1. This step is described also in the section “Connection to the database”. The database wants to set an output at a specified physical address and channel. To do that it calls a method of the IO-Handler object. This method is a virtual method of the IO-Handler object’s superclass CIO_Handler. This is because the database doesn’t know the IO-Handler derivation we use for this special output. The database only knows the superclass. At the moment there are five overlaid methods called SetOutput() to set data of the type bool, short integer (16Bit), long integer (32Bit) and float (32Bit) to a specified channel. The fifth produces triggers only the IO-Handler assuming that it is up to the IO-Handler to supply the data. One of the SetOutput() overlays (which one depends on the Output-Handler type, the others typically are dummies) calls a routine of the IO-Handler (with physical address and data) that copies the data to the specified output hardware.
  2. The IO-Handler may be able to write e.g. 8 or 16 output channels at a time.
  3. A digital output might, for example, reach an amplifier that drives a motor or a solenoid. This step is beyond the scope of this description.

1.3.2 Connection to the Database

So far we saw that for every piece of IO-hardware with a unique physical address region there is an IO-Handler object of appropriate type or class. Now it goes on this way: every IO-Handler has exactly one database item of type C_UNIT as a kind of partner or cooperative object:


The reason for this is to keep things local:

  • The IO-Handler objects deal with the hardware related things. But they have no knowledge about the configuration of the database and the IO-Items (these are the digital inputs/outputs, C_DI or C_DO and the numerical inputs/outputs C_NI or C_NO).
  • The C_UNIT database items are created according to the database Configuration File. They get and keep all the information needed by the partner IO-Handler: the type of the IO-Handler, the physical address and the IO items that belong to this IO-Handler (for instance which 8 DI items belong to the 8 bits of the input port). The C_UNIT item has no knowledge how to map these IO items to the IO-hardware and how to access the hardware.

The cooperation between C_UNIT item object and an IO-Handler object is a typical feature of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). The connection exists between the class C_UNIT and the superclass CIO_Handler. The concrete CIO_Handler class inherits the connection to the C_UNIT items from their superclass. A C_UNIT item object doesn’t know the physical IO-Handler object, only its superclass. Via the superclass’s virtual methods it has access to the physical IO-Handler without knowing about its existence.

The Classes of IO-Handler and C_UNIT

The following section shows the cooperation between the three classes in a diagram. The IO items are the database items representing one physical in- or output. Their classes are the C_DI, C_DO, C_NI and C_NO. The C_UNIT items are database items that collect a number of IO items according to the set of physical IO objects on one physical address (the IO address). The IO-Handler derived classes represent the physical IO’s individual behavior. Toward the database they are represented by their superclass CIO_Handler. The IO-Handler and the C_UNIT-items are members of the database. The specific IO-Handlers are members of the IO-Handler.


The picture shows two design components: the database and the IO-Handler. The database component is untouchable by the user; it is a part of the system software. The user (or the distributor of a VFSM System) can expand the IO-Handler component by writing derived classes of CIO_Handler. CIO_Handler transmits the instance connections to its derivations.

Connections are relations like inheritance and membership and so marked as Rx (e.g. R3).

There is not a complete representation of the classes. Members, methods and relations are omitted if not interesting in this context.

C_UNIT objects have access to IO items via an object called Associated Item List. This list has an array of pointers that point to the associated IO items. The array is filled during startup according to the C_UNIT item’s configuration. An element of the array can point to one or no IO item. IO items can be pointed by none to several C_UNIT item objects (typically by one).
R3Access to the C_UNIT item’s members like physical address and Associated Item List.
R4CIO_Handler is a virtual class. So all IO-Handlers are objects of a class derived from CIO_Handler.
R5Only the output items (C_DO and C_NO) have this connection. They have a member m_pIOHandler that points to the IO-Handler they belong to and a number m_nChannel that shows the position within the IO-Handler’s array of output items.
How to write IO-Handlers

To write IO-Handlers is a programming task. It is done in the following three steps:

  1. Write the IO-Handler’s code in the C++ language
  2. Compile and build the library IOH.LIB
  3. Link the whole application together with the VFSM System (VSWIN.LIB), the IO-Handler (IOH.LIB) and the output functions (OFU.LIB)

In the following sections there is a detailed description with an example of the first step. The last two steps depend on the programming environment and are beyond the scope of this manual.

The partnership between IO-Handler (with IO-Handler) and the database C_UNIT items (with IO-Items) has four aspects we now look at separately:

  1. System Startup Phase
  2. System Shutdown Phase
  3. Inputs at Runtime (from input handler to input items)
  4. Outputs at Runtime (from output item to the output handler)

1.3.3 System Startup Phase

From the IO-Handler’s point of view startup is done in three steps:

  1. Build up the RTDB
  2. Initialize the IO-Handler
  3. Run the IO-Handler

Build up the RTDB according to the Configuration File is done itself in several phases. This is beyond the scope of this section: When the IO-Handler steps into life it assumes that the database is completely built up and ready to run.

Initialize the IO-Handler. The IO-Handler has access to the database via pDoc. It uses this to get all the C_UNIT items of the system. To get the C_UNIT item objects means to get the pointers to the objects so that the object’s methods are callable. The following code shows only the frame of the while-loop that asks for all C_UNIT items:

CVfsmDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
C_UNIT* pUnit;
pUnit = (C_UNIT*)(pDoc->m_VfsmSystem.FirstItem(IT_UNIT, pos) );
while ( pUnit != NULL )
// evaluate pUnit and create appropriate IO-Handler
pUnit = (C_UNIT*)(pDoc->m_VfsmSystem.NextItem(IT_UNIT,pos));
} /* End of while() */

pDoc is the access to the database engine that resides in the application’s document. The two methods FirstItem() and NextItem() serve to step through the whole database and get all the items of a specified type (IT_UNIT is the element of an enumeration, see VSYSTYP.H). The variable pos serves as the loop counter. FirstItem() and NextItem() return a pointer to an object of the superclass CItem. Because we know, that the object is of type C_UNIT it is copied to the pointer pUnit of this type. So we have access to the C_UNIT specific methods. That’s all we need from the database for the moment. Next we have to create the IO-Handler objects according the attributes of the C_UNIT object. This can differ according the type of the IO-Handler.

Let’s assume that we have smart IO-Handlers that poll autonomously for their inputs. Then the application framework only has to create the IO-Handler units and keep the pointers in an array. We need these pointers to destroy the IO-Handlers at system shutdown.

The following piece of code shows the creation of some types of IO-Handlers. We have wrapped the code into a procedure CreateIOH() that could be called e.g. in the views method OnCreate().

CIO_Handler* m_apIOHandler[BigEnough]; // keep this as...
int m_numbIOHandlers; // ...class members
void CVfsmView::CreateIOH(void)
CVfsmSystem* pVS = &(GetDocument()->m_VfsmSystem);
C_UNIT* pUnit;
bool bOk;
m_numbIOHandlers = 0;
pUnit = (C_UNIT*)(pVS->FirstItem(IT_UNIT, pos));
while ( pUnit != NULL )
if ( pUnit->GetUnitTypeName() == "DI16DO8" )
m_apIOHandler[m_nnumbIOHandler] = new CIO_HandlerDi16Do8;
bOk = m_apIOHandler[m_nnumbIOHandler]->Create(pUnit);
if ( pUnit->GetUnitTypeName() == "AI8AO2" )
m_apIOHandler[m_nnumbIOHandler] = new CIO_HandlerAi8Ao2;
bOk = m_apIOHandler[m_nnumbIOHandler]->Create(pUnit);
// possibly there are other IO-Handler types
else delete m_apIOHandler[m_nnumbIOHandler];
pUnit = (C_UNIT*)(pVS->NextItem(IT_UNIT, pos) );
} /* End of while() */
} /* End of CVfsmView::CreateIOH */

The two variables m_apIOHandler and m_numbIOHandlers have to be kept as member variables in the view class for later use. The while-loop fetches all the IO-Handlers from the database. This application knows two types of IO-Handlers: "DI16DO8" and "AI8AO2". To know means that within the IOH-library there are the corresponding classes CIO_HandlerDi16Do8 and CIO_HandlerAi8Ao2. For every C_UNIT object found in the database the cooperating CIO_Handler (the appropriate subclass resp.) is instantiated with new. The virtual method Create() makes the link between these two objects. There are other activities in Create() depending on the IO-Handler type. Typically input-type IO-Handlers grab for the pointers to all their input items for faster access at runtime. Then (if Create() was OK) the CIO_Handler’s virtual method Connect() is called. The content of this method also depends on the IO-Handler type. Typically the output items (C_DO and C_NO) are connected to this IO-Handler object and told which IO channel number they are.

The VFSM Executor starts in the RTDB before the IO-Handlers are created. It means that the state machines are initialized without knowing the present inputs. This must be considered during the state machines specification by introducing an initialization state which assures that the true start of a system of state machines occurs when the IO-Handlers are operating. Note that delaying the start of the VFSM Executor is not a better alternative: in such a case the system will lose the initial events generated by IO-Handlers.

1.3.4 System Shutdown

A system shutdown always occurs when the application is closed (some applications are able to remove the current database and to build up a new one without dissolving themselves). The VFSM system shutdown is done in two stages:

  1. Remove the IO-Handler
  2. Remove the Real-time Database

Remove the Real-time Database can be done in two ways. The simple case is when the whole application disappears. Then the instance of CVfsmSystem disappears. Its destructor is able to remove the database with all its items. The second one is used, if the running application must remove the database. For that CVfsmSystem has the method RemoveAll(). It does the same as the destructor.

Remove the IO-Handler is usually too complex to be done in the CIO_Handler’s destructors. Instead they have a virtual method Destroy(). This method can be used to destruct local data structures and to stop and remove the polling threads. The following example shows a procedure DeleteIOH that wraps the IO-Handler remove code.

void CVfsmView::DeleteIOH(void)
bool bOk;
for (int i=0; i<m_nNumbIOHandler; i++)
bOk = m_apIOHandler[i]->Destroy();
delete m_apIOHandler[i];
m_apIOHandler[i] = NULL;
} /* End of for(i) */
m_nNumbIOHandler = 0;

We have kept the two variables m_apIOHandler and m_numbIOHandlers as member variables in the class. The for-loop goes through all existing IO-Handler objects and calls their method Destroy(), then the object itself is deleted.

1.3.5 Input-Type IO-Handler

In this section we will follow the path of data from the hardware to the input items in the database. A threaded input-type CIO_Handler subclass will be explained in detail.

Input Handlers

Input Handlers are classes derived from the superclass CIO_Handler. They inherit the methods GetUnitName(), GetUnitPhysicalAddress(), GetUnitCommPort() and GetUnitTypeName(). Typically the virtual method Create() must be overwritten. In the following we look at an example of an Input Handler that takes 16 digital inputs packed in a 16 bit word. The example was already mentioned in the previous sections. This unit will be able to act as an input and also as an Output Handler. For the moment we just focus on its behavior as an Input Handler. First the declaration of the class:

#include "vsiou.h"
#include "vsdi.h"
#include "vsdo.h"
class CIO_HandlerDi16Do8 : public CIO_Handler
virtual bool Create (C_UNIT* pUnit);
virtual bool Destroy (void);
// ...
// Attributes
HANDLE m_hPollThread;
DWORD m_dwPollThreadID;
bool m_bRunThread; // if false stop the thread
}; /* End class CIO_HandlerDi16Do8 */

In the Create() method we just create the thread IOUnitPollThread. It gets a pointer to the IO-Handler class instance itself ((LPVOID) this). So it has the free access to the member variables. If the thread is correctly created the member variable m_bRunThread is set to true, so that the thread will keep on looping.

bool CIO_HandlerDi16Do8::Create (C_UNIT* pUnit)
bool bOk = CIO_Handler::Create (pUnit);
if (!bOk) return false;
m_bRunThread = true;
m_hPollThread = CreateThread (
(LPVOID) this, 0, &m_dwPollThreadID );
if (m_hPollThread == NULL)
m_bRunThread = false;
return false;
return true;
} /* End of CIO_HandlerDi16Do8::Create */

Before looking to the thread itself we have a look at the method Destroy(). It is called by the application framework at system shutdown.

bool CIO_HandlerDi16Do8::Destroy (void)
DWORD dwWaitResult;
m_bRunThread = false;
dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(m_hPollThread, INFINITE);
if (dwWaitResult != WAIT_OBJECT_0) return false;
return true;
} /* End of CIO_HandlerDi16Do8::Destroy */

First m_bRunThread is set to false. This will make the thread leaving the polling loop and finish. Because the thread runs asynchronously one has to wait until the thread is really finished. This is done by the kernel routine WaitForSingleObject(). It waits4 until the thread is finished. Then the thread is killed.

The following lines show the code of the polling thread. It first grabs the polling time parameter and sets the variable dwPollTime that is used within the Sleep(). Then it fetches the pointers to its DI objects and stores them in an array for faster access at runtime. In the while loop the hardware digital inputs are read and compared with the old ones. The changed bits are set to the according DI items.

DWORD FAR PASCAL IOUnitPollThread (CIO_HandlerDi16Do8* pIOHandler)
float fPollTime;
DWORD dwPollTime = 2000L; // Default Value 2 sec
CItem* pItem;
C_DI* apDI[16]; // pointers to the unit's
int nPhyAdr = pIOHandler->GetUnitPhysicalAddress();
WORD wDIs, wOldDIs, wChgDIs;
// Get the poll period time from the IO-Handler's C_UNIT item
pItem = pIOHandler->GetAssItem(DIOB_PollTime);
if (pItem != NULL)
fPollTime = pItem->fGetData();
if (fPollTime > 0) // fPollTim[sec], dwWaitTime[ms]
dwPollTime = (DWORD)(1000*fPollTime);
} /* if (pItem != NULL) */
// Get the pointers to the DIs for faster access
for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
apDI[i] = (C_DI*) pIOHandler->GetAssItem(DIOB_Di0+i);
wChgDIs = 0;
while(pIOHandler->m_bRunThread) // Endless polling loop
// fetch DI values at nPhyAdr and put to wDIs
wChgDIs = wDIs ^ wOldDIs;
// put the changed bits to the DI items
wOldDIs = wDIs;
} /* End of if(wChgDIs)
} /* End of while() */
return true;
} /* End of Thread IOUnitPollThread */

The symbols DIOB_PollTime and DIOB_Di0 are delivered by the StateWORKS Studio by defining a unit. This example uses the following unit declaration. It is an extract from the Configuration File delivered by the StateWORKS System Configuration (*.swd file):

UNIT Name = "IOUnit1"
Type = "DI16DO8"
CommPort = "-"
PhysAddr = 1
PollTime = "IOUnit1PollTime" Di0 = "IOUnit1_Di0"
Di1 = "IOUnit1_Di1"
Di15 = "IOUnit1_Di15"

The name IOUnit1 is typically not used by the IO-Handlers. It only serves as an access key in the VFSM System’s database. The type is DI16DO8. It is used to create the according IO-Handler (see CreateIO()). CommPort is not used here. The PhysAddr is used to address the input register. The parameter item PollTime allows determining the poll frequency via the VFSM System’s database. For this unit the StateWORKS Studio produces the following include file DI16DO8.h. We can use this enumeration as index to the associated items:

typedef enum
DIOB_PollTime = 1,
} ObjectID_DIO;

In this unit instance IOUnit1 the by DIOB_Di1 indexed associated item is the DI item with the name IOUnit1_Di1.

Now let’s have a closer look at the poll thread’s while-loop. First the 16 DI values are read from the hardware in a form of 16 bits in the word wDI. How this works in detail is not part of this manual. Then the read DI values are processed if they changed at all since the last poll cycle. To process the DIs means to send the bits that have changed to the corresponding DI items in the database. The code for that could look like this:

for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
if ( (apDI[i]) && BitSet(wChgDIs,i) )
apDI[i]->SetValue( BitValue(wDIs,i) );

The for-loop goes through all the 16 bits. If one has changed and if it has a DI item in the database (the pointer to it not NULL) the DI item is updated. That’s what DI item’s method SetValue() is for.

1.3.6 Output-Type IO-Handler

In this section we will follow the route of a control information item (an event) from an output item in the database to the output hardware. The Output Handlers are of special interest here.

Output Handlers

Output Handlers are also classes derived from the superclass CIO_Handler. Output Handlers must overwrite the virtual methods Connect() and SetOutput(). In the following we look at an example that has both, digital inputs and outputs. We take the same example as before and change it so that it has an additional 8 digital outputs packed in 8 bits of a word. At the moment we just focus on the behavior as an Output Handler. First we extend the description of our IO-Handler so that it includes 8 digital outputs. With the StateWORKS Studio the unit declaration is changed as follows:

typedef enum
DIOB_PollTime = 1,
} ObjectID_DIO;

And the configuration could look like this:

UNIT Name = "IOUnit1"
Type = "DI16DO8"
CommPort = "-"
PhysAddr = 1
PollTime = "IOUnit1PollTime"
Di0 = "IOUnit1_Di0"
Di1 = "IOUnit1_Di1"
Di15 = "IOUnit1_Di15"
Do0 = "IOUnit1_D0"
Do1 = "IOUnit1_D1"
Do7 = "IOUnit1_D7"

For instance, the DIOB_Do1 indexed associated item is the DO item with the name IOUnit1_Do1.

Connect the Output Items to an Output Handler

The IO-Handlers virtual method Connect() is called at startup. The units have here the opportunity to connect to their associated items. Typically this only makes sense for output-type items like digital or analog outputs. So only output type units have to implement the Connect() method. For our example it looks as follows:

void CIO_HandlerDi16Do8::Connect (void)
C_DO* pDo;
for (int i=0; i<7; i++)
pDo = GetAssItem(DIOB_Do0+i);
if (pDo) pDo->Connect(this, i)
} /* End of CIO_HandlerDi16Do8::Connect */

The for-loop goes over the number of DOs of that unit. It fetches every pointer and calls the DO item’s method Connect(). The enumeration DIOB_Do0 from the DI16DO8.h-file is taken as a base of all DOs in this unit. Connect() takes the pointer to this IO-Handler and the index of the DO item within the IO-Handler. This way every DO item will know in case it changes its value at runtime which IO-Handler it has to inform and which index it is.

Output Item to Output-Handler

It starts when an output item (digital or numerical output, C_DO, C_NO) is called (by the VFSM System) to set an output value. Output items keep as a member variable a pointer to the IO-Handler they belong to and the channel number they have in that IO-Handler. The IO-Handlers have the following forms of the virtual method SetOutput():

virtual void SetOutput (bool bVal, int nChan);
virtual void SetOutput (short nVal, int nChan);
virtual void SetOutput (long lVal, int nChan);
virtual void SetOutput (float fVal, int nChan);
virtual void SetOutput (int nChan);

This is a part of the CIO_Handler class declaration. It shows that output items have the choice to call one of these methods to set their value to the real output. With pointer (of the type CIO_Handler) and channel number that they have as a member variable they find the right IO-Handler and there the right output channel. There are four data formats (bool, integer, long, float) that cover all kinds of output data. The last SetOutput() method triggers only a channel – the data must be supplied in the IO-Handler (got from RTDB, calculated, etc., must be used with of UseSimpleGetOutput(), see the description of the C_NO class).

Output-Handler to IO-Hardware

Output-Handlers are like the Input-Handlers: user written derivations of the superclass CIO_Handler. Output-Handlers must contain the implementation of the methods Connect() and at least one of the SetOutput(). The following code shows as an example a SetOutput() implementation. Our IO-Handler shall be able to handle 8 DOs. It maps them to a word and sends them in this form to the IO-Hardware:

void CDOUnit16Packed::SetOutput (bool bVal, int nChan)
if(bVal) m_wAllDOs |= (1<<nChan);
else m_wAllDOs &= ~(1<<nChan);
// put the DO values m_wAllDOs at nPhyAdr
} /* End of CDOUnit16Packed::SetOutput */

The IO-Handler has a member variable m_wAllDOs that stores the 8 DO’s value it has sent the last time. The first two lines of the routine body set or reset the bit indexed by nChan. DOs are boolean values. At the end the new DO pattern is sent to the IO-Hardware. This depends on the kind of hardware and is not part of this manual.

1.4 User Written Output Functions

This chapter describes how to write output functions and how to integrate them to a VFSM System. We call them output functions because they are called by a Vfsm’s virtual output. In the following we shall talk about output functions and we always mean user-written output functions.

Output functions are represented in the database by the class C_OFUN. C_OFUN item object contains a pointer to a user-written output function of the library OFU.LIB. A C_VFSM item object calls an output function by calling the C_OFUN item’s virtual method SetValue(). This method then calls via its function pointer the appropriate output function. We look at two aspects separately:

  1. Output functions embedded in the VFSM System
  2. Writing the output functions code

How to write Output Functions

To write an output function is a programming task. It is done in the following four steps:

  1. Write the output function’s code in the C++ language.
  2. Add the function with a name to the Output Function Directory.
  3. Compile and build the library OFU.LIB
  4. Link the whole application together with the VFSM System (VSWIN.LIB), the IO-Handler (IOH.LIB) and the output functions (OFU.LIB).

In the following sections there is a detailed description with an example of the first two steps. The last two steps depend on the programming environment and are beyond the scope of this manual.

1.4.1 Output Functions embedded in the VFSM System

The following picture shows the connection between the VFSM System’s Real-time Database and the (user written) output function library OFU.LIB. OFUN is the module that contains the function directory; it is not a class in the C++ sense.


A C_VFSM or C_UNIT item object has (via a CAssItemList object) several item objects as its associated items. One or more of them is of type C_OFUN (R2).
R3A C_OFUN item object has a pointer m_pOFun to a function in the OFU.LIB. An output function can be pointed by several C_OFUN item objects.
R4A C_OFUN item object has a pointer m_pItem to a C_VFSM or C_UNIT item object (typically it’s the one that owns the C_OFUN object). Via this pointer it has access to a (the) Vfsm’s or Unit’s environment.

An output function can be referenced (and called) by several C_OFUN item objects. This is because the calls to the output function work with the individual environment represented by the pointer to the owner item. If a control system has several C_VFSM’s of the same type that use a special output function, every instance of them must have its own C_OFUN item object. These C_OFUN item objects point all to the same output function.

1.4.2 System Startup Phase

The startup is divided itself into different phases. For the C_OFUN together with C_VFSM or C_UNIT items the phases Create and Connect are of special interest.


During the Create phase the items are configured according to the Configuration File produced by the StateWORKS System Configuration. The following example shows a piece of configuration for a C_VFSM item that uses a C_OFUN and of a C_OFUN that uses that Vfsm’s environment:

VFSM Name = "ObjTest"
Type = "objtest"
Cmd = "ObjTest-Cmd"
Tim = "Tim1"
No = "Unit7-Ao4"
Par = "Par1"
OFun = "StepOFun"
OFUN Name = "StepOFun"
FuncName = "SetStep"
UnitName = "ObjTest"

A C_VFSM item object with name "ObjTest" has among others the associated item OFun with the name "StepOFun". The next block describes such an item: the name of the user written output function shall be "SetStep" and has access to the Unit or Vfsm with the name "ObjTest", what is the above one. This means, the output function "SetStep" can work with its items, e.g. the C_NO item No with the name "Unit7-Ao4".

Alternatively, a special C_UNIT items can be created for an output function. The C_UNIT item should contain all items which the output function is to use.


The C_OFUN item’s method Connect() passes the output function name to the global procedure GetOutFunc() of OFU.LIB and gets the pointer to the appropriate function and stores it in m_pOFun for later fast access. Then it passes the unit name to the database manager (see CItemList) and gets the pointer to the C_VFSM or C_UNIT item object and stores it in m_pItem also for later fast access.

1.4.3 Output Functions at Runtime

At runtime a C_VFSM item object performs several actions (Entry-, Input- and Exit-Actions) according to its state table and virtual output. According to its IO description (see *.IOD) a virtual output (VO) is assigned to a database item type and to a value. When the Vfsm performs a VO that is assigned to a C_OFUN item object, then the specified output function is called. Output functions have the following form:

int PASCAL funx(CItem* pOwner, int nVOVal)

pOwner typically points to the owner Vfsm. So within this function we have access to that environment.

Virtual Input, Virtual Output

The StateWORKS Studio lets you to define input and output names and values for an IO object of type C_OFUN. The output value is passed to the output function in the function parameter nVOVal. The return value of an output function goes back to the calling C_OFUN object and represents that item’s control value. And this control value again can lead to a virtual input of the owner Vfsm. This way a user written output function is connected to the VFSM System in two directions: it gets control information from the owner Vfsm in a form of VOs and it can produce inputs to the owner in a form of VIs.

1.4.4 Output Functions at System Shutdown

When a C_OFUN item is destructed it calls its output function with nVOVal as -1. This gives the output function the chance to remove a thread or a dynamically allocated data structure.

1.4.5 Writing the Output Function Code

There is a file OFU.H that contains the declaration of the output functions. The parameter list and the body of an output function must look like this; otherwise it cannot be added to the Output Function Directory:

int Func1 (CItem* pOwner, int nVOVal)
// Function body
return nVIVal;
  • pOwner: Pointer to the C_VFSM (or C_UNIT) item object the function can work with. Typically this is the owner Vfsm, but it could be every other Vfsm or Unit.
  • nVOVal: Value the virtual output was assigned to. -1 means that the according C_OFUN item was destructed. pOwner is possibly not valid anymore.

The return value is copied to the caller C_OFUN item object’s internal value and can this way produce a virtual input to the Vfsm that owns the C_OFUN item object.

The corresponding implementation file OFUN.CPP must not be changed.

1.4.6 Adding the Output Function to the Directory

In the same file OFUN.H together with the output declaration there is the following data structure:

// Output Function Directory
r_OFDirectory a_OFDirectory[] =
"Func1", Func1,
"Func2", Func2,
"Func3", Func3,
"SetStep", SetStep,
"GahLeakRate", GahLeakRate

Every output function has to be entered here with a name in string representation and its function name (the pointer to it). The string is the same as entered in the C_OFUN item object’s configuration:

OFUN Name = "StepOFun"
FuncName = "SetStep"
UnitName = "StepTest"

Typically you use the same string representation as the function name for better understandability, but this is not necessary; you could choose different names. At System Startup (Connect Phase) every C_OFUN item object calls the GetOutFunc() function (also placed in OFUN.H). This function goes through the data structure a_OFDirectory and compares the function names. If a function is found, it returns the pointer to the appropriate output function. If not it returns the pointer to a dummy function that just fulfills the call with doing nothing.


The following example is one of the more complex ones, and interesting because output functions are used to cause inputs to be processed. It is used to compute the leak rate in a vacuum chamber. This is done in three steps:

  1. store the start pressure,
  2. wait a specified time or a specified pressure increment (whatever happens first),
  3. compute the difference between the current and the stored pressure and divide it by the elapsed time and by the vacuum chamber volume. Store the result in a C_DAT item for later use.

The output function shall work in the first and the last step. We assume that the Vfsm calls the output function once via a certain virtual output and a value at the leak rate start and once at the end via another virtual output and value. These values have to be assigned to the appropriate virtual outputs with the Vfsm’s IO description (see the corresponding IOD-File produced by the StateWORKS Studio).

Before starting with the output function we will have a look at the configuration of the C_VFSM item object and at its C_OFUN item object:

OFUN Name = "PHGah-OFuLeakRate"
FuncName = "GahLeakRate"
UnitName = "PHGah"
VFSM Name = "PHGah"
Type = "elegah"
MyCmd = "PHGah-Cmd"
TiLeakCheck = "PHGah-TiLeakCheck"
TiLeakDelay = "PHGah-TiLeakDelay"
AlLeakRate = "PHGah-AlLeakRate"
AiIKR = "PHGah-Ai"
SwipIKR = "PHGah-SwipIkr"
SwipLeak = "PHGah-SwipLeak"
OFULeakRate = "PHGah-OFuLeakRate"
EPChambVol = "PHGah-EPChambVol"
EPLeakCheck = "PHGah-EPLeakCheck"
EPLeakDelay = "PHGah-EPLeakDelay"
EPLeakDiffPres = "PHGah-EPLeakDiffPres"
EPMaxLeakRate = "PHGah-EPMaxLeakRate"
DatActLeakRate = "PHGah-DatActLeakRate"
DatStartPres = "PHGah-DatStartPres"

The C_OFUN item object has as UnitName the "PHGah", what means, it works with that item objects. The StateWORKS Studio produces the declaration file ELEGAH.H with the typedef:

typedef enum
GAHB_MyCmd = 1,
} ObjectID_GAH;

The file ELEGAH.H is included in the OFUN.H. So we can access the associated items via the enumeration.

Be aware that every time the IO dictionary of the Vfsm type "elegah" is changed the OFUN.CPP as well as the implementation file named for instance ELEGAH.CPP has to be compiled and linked again. Otherwise the enumeration could point to the wrong items.

Let’s assume that the file ELEGAH.CPP contains the implementation. First we declare the pointers to the selection of item objects:

#include "elegah.h"
int GahLeakRate (CItem* pOwner, int nVO)
if (nVO == -1) return 0; // need no destruction

This line of code checks if the according C_OFUN item is destructed. Here we have nothing to do in this case, so we leave the function

if (pOwner->GetUnitTypeName() != "elegah") return 0;

This line of code is for careful programmers. It checks whether the output function works with the correct Vfsm type. If it is not the case it returns zero which could be analyzed by the calling Vfsm via its virtual input. In the correct case we let the output function return 1.

C_TIM* pTiLeakCheck;
C_NI* pAiIkr = (C_NI*)( pOwner->GetAssItem(GAHB_AiIKR));
C_SWIP* pSwipLeak;
C_PAR* pEPChambVol;
C_PAR* pEPLeakDiffPres;
CData* pDatActLeakRate;
CData* pDatStartPres = (CData*)( pOwner->GetAssItem(GAHB_DatStartPres));
float f;
int nLeakTime;
float fDiffPres, fLeakRate, fChambVol;

The pointers to the seven item objects are declared here. The types are defined in the appropriate IOD-File. The pAiIkr and pDatStartPres pointers are fetched already here, because we need them anyway. This is done by calling the pOwner object’s method AssItem() with the index of the appropriate item. The returned pointer is of type CItem; we have to cast it to the according item type.

switch (nVO)
case 1: // Leak Start: code of leak rate start
case 2: // Leak Calc: code of leak rate calculation
case -1: // possibly destroy dynamic data
default: return 0;
} /* End of switch */
return 1;
} /* End of GahLeakRate */

The switch statement selects one of the virtual output values, 1 for the leak rate start and 2 for the leak rate end respectively its calculation. For both of these values we return 1 which signals OK to the Vfsm. Other values of nVO are ignored and acknowledged with a zero return value.

A special nVO value is -1. The output functions are called with this value at system shutdown to give them the chance to remove possibly created dynamic data or threads. Our output function here does not need this feature.

Here is the complete code of the first case section:

case 1: // Leak Start
pSwipLeak = (C_SWIP*)(pOwner->GetAssItem(GAHB_SwipLeak));
pEPLeakDiffPres = (C_PAR*)(pOwner->GetAssItem(GAHB_EPLeakDiffPres));
f = pAiIkr->fGetData();
f = f + pEPLeakDiffPres->fGetData();
pSwipLeak->SetLimits(f, f);

The first two lines fetch the pointers to the rest of the used items, a switch point and a parameter specifying the maximum pressure difference. The next two lines fetch the current pressure and store it to a C_DAT item. The last two lines compute the absolute end pressure and set it to the switch point (limit low and high are equal because we only need the LOW and HIGH SWIP states).

The Vfsm will now wait until either the timer expires or the pressure limit is reached. Then it probably will change its state and call the output function again, but with a virtual output value of 2. Then the following case section will be executed:

case 2: // Leak Calc
pTiLeakCheck = (C_TIM*)(pOwner->GetAssItem(GAHB_TiLeakCheck));
pEPChambVol = (C_PAR*)(pOwner->GetAssItem(GAHB_EPChambVol));
pDatActLeakRate = (CData*)(pOwner->GetAssItem(GAHB_DatActLeakRate));
fDiffPres = pAiIkr->fGetData() -
nLeakTime = pTiLeakCheck->GetCountRegister();
fChambVol = pEPChambVol->fGetData();
if( (nLeakTime != 0) && (fChambVol != 0.0) )
fLeakRate = fDiffPres / nLeakTime / fChambVol;
fLeakRate = (float)0.0;

First the pointers to the items used here are fetched again. Then we fetch the current timer and current and start pressure values and compute the pressure difference (we need the current values because we don’t know what the reason for the end leak check was: the timer, the pressure or something else). The leak rate is computed according to the leak rate formula. Of course we try to make everything as safe as possible, so we test the two divisors first for zero, to get no exception during runtime. At the end the value is stored to the appropriate C_DAT item object, either for display only or more probably to test the value by means of another switch point (SWIP).

1.5 The Host Interface to the RTDB

This chapter describes the VFSM System as a server application. The interface to a client from the RTDB point of view is called the Host Interface.

Only the general behavior of the host interface is described in this chapter. The item specific behavior is described in Part 2 for every item type separately.

1.5.1 Introduction

The host interface was mentioned the first time in the description of the RTDB layer model as something that can produce events to, or get events from the RTDB. Here we focus on what is exactly between the Host and the Host-Interface.


The interface between a host and the RTDB’s Host-Interface is of client-server type. The RTDB is the server and a host is a client. The RTDB is able to serve an almost infinite number of clients at the same time with different protocols. At the time of writing a TCP/IP based message protocol and DDE interface (Direct Data Exchange, only for Windows based RTDB) are available. Others may follow in the future.

There are the following access types:

  • Request/Reply: The client asks something and gets an answer from the RTDB.
  • Poke: The client changes something in the RTDB.
  • Event: The client gets informed that something changed in the RTDB. This of course only happens under the client’s control with AdviseStart/Stop requests.

Accessible objects are all the Database Items, the RTDB items created during startup according the configuration file. Additionally, there is a Database Manager with general objects holding information regarding the behavior of the whole VFSM system.

Database access is organized as a key and an attribute. The key is the name of a certain database object. Depending on the object type various attributes are available. The representation of the key, attribute and value is protocol dependent. The TCP/IP message protocol represents the name as a string, the attribute as a number and the values again as strings. The DDE interface packs name and attribute into one string and the value into another string.


The set of attributes is predefined. Not all attributes are applicable to all item types. The following list shows all the available attributes.

Attribute NameNumberShortComment
None0-State or value of an item as number
ServiceMode2SvMBoolean value, service mode on/off
ServiceValue3SvVValue, format depending on item type
VI5VIVirtual input of a VFSM item
StateName6StNSame as Value, as name
AssocItemList7AILItems which belong to a VFSM or UNIT
TypeName8TypE.g. the definition file name of a VFSM
CountConstant9CnCE.g. time constant in a timer item
CountRegister10CnRE.g. current time of timer item
Category11CatAdditional information for alarm and parameter items
Format12FrmThe data format of a data item
PhysicalUnit13UniThe unit (e.g. V for voltage)
LimitLow14LiLUsed in switchpoint and param items
InitValue16IVaUsed for parameter items as start value
DataValue17DatThe content of a data item
Text18TxtAlarm text of a ALA item
Acknowledge19AckAcknowledge a pending alarm
Time20TimTime when an alarm occurred
ScaleFactor21ScFUsed in NI and NO items
List24LstFor example a list of all VFSM state names
PhysAddr25PAdUsed in IO-Handlers, e.g. port number
CommPort26Comditto - could be a TCP/IP address, or a serial port name
Trace27TrcTurn on/off tracing of an item
RunMode28RmoPut VFSM in Free/Step/Hold- Mode
NextStep29NStName of the next possible transition

The attribute number is used in the TCP/IP based messages.
The abbreviation, the short form is used in the Host interface as extension to the item name.
More detailed information will follow together with the description of the item types.

1.5.2 Database Manager

The database manager represents information about the RTDB itself. The objects available are independent of the RTDB configuration; their values are not.

Database Configuration

A client can request name and path of the current configuration file and the total number of all database items. The name is "IL". No attribute means the config file and the CountRegister-attribute delivers the number of items.


"IL"CountRegister"34" (a total of 34 items are in the RTDB)
Database Contents

A client application can request the statistics about certain database items. The name is a string with the abbreviation of the item type. The List-attribute delivers a string with the names of all items of the according type separated by <NL> characters (new line = 0x0A). The CountRegister-attribute delivers the number accordingly.


"AL"CountRegister"3" (a total of 3 alarm items in the RTDB)
Alarm Handler

The database manager maintains an alarm queue. An alarm item object that gets into an active state is appended to this queue. The item with the name "AL" represents the first (and visible) alarm item of the alarm queue. To poke an Acknowledge to that alarm makes it vanish from the queue. The next alarm will be sent as an update. So the client (destination) application can step through all active alarms. The item "AL" has the same attributes as a normal alarm item:

AttributeAcc.Description (enumeration see VSYSTYP.H)
ValueRAlarm’s state as number, see e_ALA_States
State NameRAlarm’s state as a text string
Type NameRName of the alarm item represented by AL
CategoryRText defined in StateWORKS Studio/AL-Properties
TextRAlarm text defined in stateWORKS Studio/AL-Properties
TimeRTime and date when alarm’s state was entered
AcknowledgeWEmpty message, command to state machine
"AL"TypeName"Alarm2" if Alarm2 is on top of the alarm queue
Item Trace

The VFSM System is able to trace the database item’s value changes and put them into a trace file together with a time stamp. For every item, tracing can be turned on and off individually by setting/resetting the trace flag. All item types have on their host interface the read/write attribute ".Trc". A value of "1" means that the trace is on for that item (or "0" for off). Trace can only take place when the trace file is open.

The trace file is opened automatically at system start up under the name "TRACE.TXT"5 in the same directory as the configuration file. At system stop the file is closed again. To open and close the trace file during system run there is an item with the name "IL" and the attribute Trace:

TraceWriteSend a trace command to the trace manager
TraceReadGet the state of the trace file and traced items

The following trace command numbers are possible:

  1. Open File. The trace file is opened (if it is not already opened). The activated items can trace their value changes from now on.
  2. Close File. The trace file is closed. The activated item cannot trace (information is lost).
  3. Reset Trace. Set the tracing of all items off.
"IL"Trace3The trace flags of all RTDB items are reset, no trace

The state of trace manager can be requested (no automatic update). The following values are possible:

  1. Trace file is open; there are one or more items with activated trace.
  2. Trace file is closed; there are one or more items with activated trace.
  3. Trace file is open; there is no item with activated trace.
  4. Trace file is closed; there is no item with activated trace.
"IL"Trace"3"Trace file is open but no trace flag set

1.5.3 Database Items

The behavior of the database items in a host conversation is described in detail in Part 2 of this manual. Here follows a table with all the item types and all the attributes they support.

R, W and X are the access modes:
R - the attribute on this item type is read only (request only).
W - is write (poke) only.
X - is read and write.

All the attributes support the automatic and manual link mode.


1.5.4 TCP/IP Interface

The design goal was a simple and fast interface, free of more or less platform specific standards like COM, CORBA or XML. The implementation of any sort of client is very easy. The only specific aspect is a message package that is used for all types of transactions. The rest is standard TCP/IP programming.


Per client there is one port with two sockets. Port and sockets get opened and closed on client’s demand. Of course if the RTDB application exits it closes all open ports. Also if the RTDB recognizes that a client silently disappeared, it closes that particular port.

The sockets are called Request/Reply Socket (RRS) and Event Socket (ES). From the client application point of view the RRS is a synchronous connection. The client sends a request and immediately gets a reply. The ES on the other hand is asynchronous. The RTDB (server) can send a message to the client at any time (the client has to acknowledge it immediately). This type of messages is also called unsolicited messages. They are characteristic of event driven systems.


Establish Connection

The client creates and connects two sockets immediately after each other on the same port. The RTDB uses 9091 as the standard port number.


The previous pseudocode shows the procedure of connecting a port to the RTDB with two sockets. First the RTDB application has to finish initialization. During this it starts up the TCP/IP interface as a server with create, bind and listen. Finally it waits on accept for the first client. Now a client can begin with the connection. It first creates the Request/Reply Socket and connects it to the address and port number of the RTDB application. Then it waits for completion. In the meantime the server accepts and handles the first connection as the RRS. This makes the client go on for the second connection. Same procedure here: Create and connect the same address and port number.

Now the client server connection is established and ready to work. Of course this is quite a simplified description of the client actions. Typically a client application would wrap the event socket into an own thread so that the event mechanism becomes really asynchronous.

Message Packet

The client packs a request into a message packet and sends it to the RRS. It immediately receives the reply (packed into another message packet). If the RTDB has to advise the client about a change on a certain item it packs the according information into a message packet. The client receives it on the event socket and has to return an acknowledge; again in a message packet. The format of the message packet is declared in the file vstypip.h. The following excerpt from this file shows the declaration of the message packet itself:

struct r_MessagePack{
int nHeader;
e_MessageType MessageType;
e_Topic Topic;
e_ItemAttributes IAtt;
e_ItemSearchResults MessageInfo;
char cItemName[NAMESIZE];
char cItemValue[VALUESIZE];
Size [bytes]Description
nHeader4This integer has no direct meaning. I can be set to any value in the request packet. The RTDB copies the value into the reply packet.
MessageType4The type of message (request, reply, advise…).
Topic4Until now the only valid value is IL (2).
IAtt4What attribute of the item we are talking about (see description in the previous section), declaration in the file vsystyp.h.
MessageInfo4Result of the request (Ok, no such request, no such item, no such attribute), declaration in the file vsystyp.h.
cItemName64Item name as array of characters, zero terminated
cItemValue0…1000Value of the item attribute; text representation as array of characters; zero (null character) terminated.
Message Type

Describes the kind of message packet. Depends on the kind of request and reply or event.

enum e_MessageType { MT_none = 0,
MT_Request, MT_Reply, MT_Poke, MT_AdvStart, MT_AdvStop, MT_AdvData, MT_AdvAckn, MT_Disconnect, MT_Last };

The following section illustrates all types of client/server and server/client transactions (item name, attribute and value are examples).

Request the Value of an Item Attribute

The client wants to know the value of a certain item attribute. It writes the according message packet to the RRS. It can immediately receive the reply from the same socket. The request was correct, so the message info is SR_ok.


The following example shows a failed request. The particular item does not have the attribute. So the message info is SR_NoSuchAttribute and of course there is no value available.


Poke the Value of an Item Attribute

The client wants to change the value of a certain item attribute. It writes a poke message packet to the RRS and can receive the answer that contains the changed item attribute.


Advise, Event Data and Unadvise

The client wants to get advised when a certain item attribute changes. As a reply it gets the current value of the according item attribute.


If the advised item attribute changes its value the RTDB sends the change as an event message packet over the event socket to the client.


Now the client wants to be no longer advised about the item attribute.

Disconnect Event


If the RTDB disappears for whatever reason it sends a disconnect event over the event socket to the client. No answer is expected.

Interplatform Connection

The design goal was to get an interface between all types of CPU, programming languages and operating systems. This requires some care in filling in the message packet. The first five fields are binary data that may be interpreted depending on the platform as little- or big-endian. To avoid getting into trouble with data formats TCP/IP socket implementations provide the programmer with a pair of functions like:

u_long ntohl (u_long netlong);
u_long htonl (u_long hostlong);

The ntohl function converts a u_long from TCP/IP network order to host byte order (which is big- or little-endian) and htonl function converts a u_long from host to TCP/IP network byte order (which is always big-endian).

1.5.5 TCP/IP Client

There is a library and a DLL available which hide the complexity of the TCP/IP interface and make the design of clients easy. The following text describes the DLL interface. The library variant is similar and is defined in the tcpip.h file.

#include "tcpipclient_dll.h"
Dll functions
Initialize1Stores the callback function and environment pointer.
Connect1Creates sockets and connects via the according sockets to the addressed RTDB server port.
Connected1Returns the value true or false signalling whether the client is connected or not.
Disconnect1Disconnects the RTDB server port from the sockets.
Request1Asks for the attribute value of a corresponding RTDB object.
Poke1Sets the attribute value of a corresponding RTDB object.
AdviseStart1Asks for advise of a corresponding RTDB object attribute.
AdviseStop1Asks for unadvise of a corresponding RTDB object attribute.
UnAdviseAll1Asks for unadvised of all RTDB object attributes.

void __stdcall Initialize1( void (*ReplyOrEvent)(int Rep,
const string& stName,
const string& pstVal,
void* pOwner),
void* pOwner );

Stores the callback function and environment pointer. Used in an object oriented environment to store the pointer and the pointer to the callback function. The callback function is then called by events arriving from advised RTDB object attributes.

bool __stdcall Connect1( char* pstIPAddress = HOST, int nPort = PORTNUMBER );

Creates sockets and connects via the according sockets to the addressed RTDB server port. The default TCP/IP address is the HOST=LOCALHOST=, the default port PORTNUMBER = 9091.

Return Value
true if connected is successful otherwise false.

bool __stdcall Connected1( );

Returns the value true or false signalling whether the client is connected or not.

Return Value
true if the client is connected otherwise false.

void __stdcall Disconnect1( bool bWithUnAdvise = false );

Disconnects the RTDB server port from the sockets. If called with parameter bWithUnAdvise=true the function unadvises all RTDB objects attributes.

bool __stdcall Request1( char* pstItemName,
e_ItemAttributes eIAtt = IAtt_None,
char* pstValue = NULL);

Asks for the attribute value of a corresponding RTDB object.

Return Value
true if the Request function is successful, otherwise false

bool __stdcall Poke1( char* pstItemName,
char* pstValue,
e_ItemAttributes eIAtt = IAtt_None );

Sets the attribute value of a corresponding RTDB object.

Return Value
true if the Poke function is successful, otherwise false

bool __stdcall AdviseStart1( char* pstItemName,
e_ItemAttributes eIAtt = IAtt_None,
char* pstValue = NULL );

Asks for advise of a corresponding RTDB object attribute.

Return Value
true if the AdviseStart function is successful, otherwise false.

bool __stdcall AdviseStop1( char* pstItemName,
e_ItemAttributes eIAtt = IAtt_None );

Asks for unadvise of a corresponding RTDB object attribute.

Return Value
true if the AdviseStop function is successful, otherwise false

void __stdcall UnAdviseAll1( );

Asks for unadvised of all RTDB object attributes.

Return Value
true if the UnAdviseAll function is successful, otherwise false

1.5.6 DDE Interface

This interface type only works for Microsoft Windows applications and for the RTDB implemented on Microsoft Windows (NT4.0 and later or in general WIN32). The RTDB delivered in the library RTDB.LIB for Windows integrated on a VFSM System as a WIN32 application is able to work as a DDE source application. With DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) Windows applications are linked, allowing the transfer of data. DDE establishes a conversation between two applications. The application that initiates the conversation is called the destination. The target of the DDE conversation is called the source.

In this chapter RTDB for WIN32 is called RTDBWin if an issue is DDE specific.

The RTDBWin is the data server and so in a DDE conversation the source. The client or the destination is typically a user interface application for instance written in VisualBasic (VB). The following text assumes that the client has been written in VB.

Name and Topic

To establish a DDE conversion, the destination application must specify the name of the source application, a topic and the item. The application (the WIN32 VFSM System) has the name "VS" and the RTDBWin topic is "IL". So a VB source application would specify for the variables vfsmList and vfsm1VI:

vfsmList.LinkTopic = "VS|IL"
vfsm1VI.LinkTopic = "VS|IL"

The DDE item specification for the RTDBWin is a string consisting of the name of a database item, a . as separator and an extension that specifies a certain attribute of that item. If there were for instance a state machine with the name "Vfsm1" in the database, then the following first VB line would link the Virtual Input of that state machine to the variable vfsm1VI:

vfsm1VI.LinkItem = "Vfsm1.VI"
vfsmList.LinkItem = "VFSM.Lst"

The second line links the list of all vfsm instances to the variable vfsmList. Be aware that the two variables in the VB application have no values yet.

The RTDBWin supports the link types manual and automatic. With an automatic link, the destination application is updated automatically whenever the item changes in the database. In manual link mode, the database only sends an update when requested by the destination application.

The first two lines set the link mode manual and force one update of the VB variable vfsmList:

vfsmList.LinkMode = VbLinkManual
vfsm1VI.LinkMode = VbLinkAutomatic

The last line sets link mode automatic for vfsm1VI. From now on this variable is updated whenever the Virtual Input of the state machine "Vfsm1" changes in the RTDB.

A destination application also can change the data of an item in the database with a so-called poke message. The following four VB lines connect the VB variable vfsm1Cmd to an RTDB item object "Vfsm1Cmd" and set it to the value "On":

vfsm1Cmd.LinkTopic = "VS|IL"
vfsm1Cmd.LinkItem = "Vfsm1Cmd.Val"
vfsm1Cmd = "On"
Data Types

The RTDBWin application supports only the text format (CF_TEXT). So, all RTDB formats are represented as strings. For instance, "1.23e-45" stands for a floating number.

1.6 Internationalization Support

Text properties (Alarm Text and Data Units) can be set as plain text or as string constants. A string constant is a Windows concept supported in VisualC++6. In the project resource there may be a String Table like this:


In this string table all strings used in a project of the VFSM system with the RTDB are entered. Of course the VC++ project has to be rebuilt every time the String Table is changed. VC++ produces a file resource.h. This file contains the references to the particular strings like:

#define IDS_TOOHIGH 61204
#define IDS_TOOLOW 61205
#define IDS_OUTBAND 61206
#define IDS_ENUM 61207

The file resource.h has to be copied to the StateWORKS application configuration directory (the same that contains the configuration file *.swd). The IDS_xx identifiers are used instead of the texts as for instance in the following StateWORKS project:


There can be several string tables for different languages. Changing the workstation’s language changes the string table and so the strings used by StateWORKS.

For the VFSM system with RTDB running under a non-Windows operating system (especially UNIX-like) the string constant are taken from a stringres.src file which has to be situated together with the resource.h file in the application configuration directory (with the *swd file). The stringres.src and resource.h files are prepared using a translation program StringRes.exe which can be found in the StateWORKS Studio development environment. The translation program generates the stringres.src and resource.h files using as input strings defined in a text file StringFile.txt. For the above example, the content of the StringFile.txt file would be:

IDS_TOOHIGH Val. Is too high
IDS_TOOLOW Val. Is too low
IDS_ENUM {,,Two,Three,,,Six}

2. The VFSM System Class Library Reference

2.1 VFSM System Class Library Reference

2.1.1 class Citem

The CItem class is the superclass of all database objects. It contains all the data and methods applying to all objects, such as object -name and -value with the methods for the client/server communication. The item value depends on the actual derived item type. For instance, for a DI the value represents the status of the signal line, for a Vfsm it is the state.

#include <vsitem.h>
Runtime Virtual Public Members
SetValueSets the CItem object’s internal value.
ResetValueResets a CItem internal value (typically used for virtual inputs).
GetDataReturns the data value of CItem types that performs a data flow (e.g. C_NI).
GetUnitTypeNameUsed by C_VFSM and C_UNIT item types.
GetValueReturns the internal value of a CItem object.
GetNameReturns the CItem object’s name.
GetTypeGets the type of the item as an enumeration (e.g. IT_VFSM).
GetTypeNameGets the type of the item as a string (e.g. "VFSM").
AddDependentAdds an item as dependent of another.
General Static Members
GetItemTypeGets the enumeration of an item type in string representation.
GetItemTypeNameGets the string representation of an item type in enumeration.
GetAttrNameGets the string representation of an attribute specification.
GetAttrGets the enumeration of an attribute specification in string representation.
Member Functions
virtual void SetValue (int nVal);

nVal Value to set to item internal value.

This function is called by other items, by IO-Handlers and by user written output functions to set the item object’s specific value. Remark: the kind of value depends on the type of item (see the virtual function of the derived classes). Here, the function sets the items internal value.

See Also

virtual int GetValue (void);

This function is typically used internally to get the item objects internal value. The meaning of the value depends on the type of item (see the virtual function of the derived classes). In CItem types this value has no practical meaning.

Return Value
Item objects internal value (the item’s state).

See Also

CString* GetName (void);

Gets the name (the key to) of the item object.

Return Value
Pointer to a string object with the item object’s name.

virtual CUniversal* GetData (void);

Dummy function. Gets a pointer to the universal data object which is always a long integer.

Return Value
Pointer to the universal data object with value (long integer).

See Also
CUniversal, C_DAT:: GetData

e_ItemTypes GetType (void);

Returns the type of the appropriate item in a form of an enumeration.

CString GetTypeName (void);

Returns the type of the appropriate item in a form of a string.

e_ItemTypes GetItemType (CString &*stType*);

stType String object representation.

Is a static method of CItem. It returns the enumeration of the item types from the string representation.

Return Value
Enumeration representation, or default value (IT_Item) if not available.

CString GetItemTypeName (e_ItemTypes *eType*);

eType Enumeration representation of item type.

Is a static method of CItem. It returns the string representation from the enumeration of the item types. When called the first time it initializes the appropriate text arrays.

Return Value
String representation of the item type.

static CString GetAttrName (e_ItemAttributes *IAtt*);

IAtt Enumeration of the item objects attributes.

Is a static method of CItem. It returns the name of the appropriate attribute, e.g. "PeV".

Return Value
String representation of the attribute.

e_ItemAttributes GetAttr (CString &*stAttrKey*);

stAttrKey One of the allowed attributes (e.g. "PeV").

Is a static method of CItem. It returns the enumeration that matches with attribute key.

Return Value
Enumeration of the attributes if allowed, else out range.

void AddDependent (CItem* *pItem*);

pItem Pointer to the item that will be dependent.

Add pItem to the dependent list of the current item. If the current item changes the pItem’s method ChangedOn().

See Also

virtual void Disconnect (void);

Typically used by a IO-Handler object when it is destroyed.

2.1.2 class C_AL : public CItem

C_AL is the class of alarm objects. It contains all the data and methods to handle the alarm aspects of an application. The virtual method SetValue(), typically called via a Vfsm’s virtual output or a user written output action, sets one of the commands to the alarm object (see e_ALA_Cmds in VSYSTYP.H). The internal value of the item represents the state of the alarm (see e_ALA_States in VSYSTYP.H). An alarm object acts as a simple finite state machine. The state table is presented here in a form of a transition matrix (the preambles "AC_" and "AS_" are omitted):

NONE-Stay / ICom / I---
STAYINGAck / R----
COMING---Ack / RGo-
ACKN.-----Go / I
COM_GO--Com / RI--Ack / RI
GOINGAck / R-Com / RI---

Commands: Com=Coming, Go=Going, Stay=Staying, Ack=Acknowledge

Actions: R=Remove from…, I=Insert to…, RI=Remain in Alarm Queue but move to the head

- Alarm Text -

The text property of the alarm objects can contain:

  • A plain alarm text directly set to the alarm message.
  • Several string constants (see the chapter Internationalization).
  • References to data objects (Dat, Ni, No, Par, Udc).

When an alarm enters the state COMMING or STAYING the value of the referenced object is read and copied together with its unit (not if data object is an enumeration) into the actual alarm text. This can lead to more clear alarm texts like: Val. Is too high: 6.83V. Limit is: 1V(AlarmHigh)

The AL property’s entry Text (set via StateWORKS Studio) could contain:

IDS_TOOHIGH %NiVoltage IDS_OUTBAND %ParLimitHigh (AlarmHigh)

The above alarm text example shows several concepts:

  • Text can contain several string constants: IDS_TOOHIGH and IDS_OUTBAND. If an IDS_xx identifier is not in the resource a warning is entered in the sulog.txt file and IDS_xx itself is copied to the alarm text.
  • Text can contain several references to data objects: %NiVoltage and %ParLimitHigh.
  • Data references start with the % character. Of course the data object with name NiVoltage has to be in the StateWORKS project. Otherwise the name itself is displayed in the alarm text and a warning is entered to the sulog.txt file.
  • String constants and references can be mixed with plain text, see "(AlarmHigh)".
  • String constants and references must not contain spaces. Spaces are used as separators.

Decoding of string constants: see the chapter Internationalization Support.

- Alarm Queue -

Active alarms are linked in a queue, the latest at the head. The head is represented by a pseudo alarm item "AL". If a client advises one of the attributes of "AL", it gets the data of the alarm at the head of the queue. If an alarm disappears (becomes inactive) it is removed from the queue. If this alarm was at the head, the data of the next one in the queue is sent under the name "AL" to the clients. So a client that requests to be advised of the item "AL" always gets the data of the latest active alarm. The alarm queue is a single linked list with the element "AL" as a root.

- Alarm Event -

According to the alarms object’s category property the alarm events can be sent to the AlarmLog.txt file in the following form (taken from an example):

G:\StateWORKS\Projects\Examples\RegulatorSH\Conf\RegulatorSH.swd started at: 06-Aug-04 18:25:57
ERROR 06-Aug-04 18:26:39 - Reg2:Al:Pressure - STAYING - Reg2: Pressure regulating error ( 247.061mBar)
WARNING 06-Aug-04 18:26:35 - Reg1:Al:Motor - STAYING - Reg1: Motor too hot
INFO 06-Aug-04 18:51:54 – Reg2:Al:Pressure – NONE
Terminated at: 06-Aug-04 18:27:59

The AlarmLog.txt file is created in the Config directory and the alarms are appended to it at any time.

The alarm log knows three alarm severity levels: Error, Warning and Information.

The alarm system of the StateWORKS realtime database looks for an EP type parameter AL_CatKeyPar. It can have a value from 0…7 with a binary meaning.

1 Error to AlarmLog
1 Warning to AlarmLog
4 Information to AlarmLog

For instance if AL_CatKeyPar is 7 all three types of alarms are written into the alarm log file. This applies to all alarms in the StateWORKS realtime database. If the realtime database does not find the AL_CatKeyPar all types of alarms are written into the alarm log file.

- Alarm Category -

Every individual alarm instance has the Category-Property that determines whether its events are sent to the alarm log.

1Error to AlarmLogInformation to AlarmLog
2Warning to AlarmLogInformation to AlarmLog
4Information to AlarmLogInformation to AlarmLog
OtherNot sent to AlarmLog-
#include "vsala.h"

Runtime Virtual Public Members
SetValueSets the C_AL object’s command value.
GetValueReturns the state of a C_AL object.
Member Functions
virtual void SetValue (int *nVal*);

nVal C_AL command casted to e_ALA_Cmds (see VSYSTYP.H).

Can cause a change of C_AL’s state (internal value) and so the advise of other items or clients.

virtual int GetValue (void);

Returns the item object’s internal value. Here this is the state of the C_AL object cast to e_ALA_States (see VSYSTYP.H).

CString* GetAlarmText (void);

Returns the current alarm text. String constants or references are connected if set via configuration file.

void SetCategory (CString *stCat*);

In a running system this has no influence whether the events are sent to the AlarmLog or not.

CString* GetCategory (void);

Returns the current category

Host Interface
AttributeAcc.Description (enumeration see VSYSTYP.H)
ValueRItem’s state as number, see e_ALA_States
State NameRItem’s state as text string
CategoryRText defined in StateWORKS Studio/AL-Properties
TextRAlarmtext defined in StateWORKS Studio/AL-Properties
TimeRTime and date when alarm’s state was entered
ListRState, Time, category and text in one string, separated with <LF>
AcknowledgeWEmpty message, command to AL state machine

Category and Text come via the Configuration File from the StateWORKS Studio/AL-Properties to the alarm item object. The VFSM System does nothing with them. They are just provided for display purposes.

2.1.3 class C_CMD : public CItem

Commands are objects holding typically the connection between a (master) Vfsm or a User Interface (Client) and another Vfsm (slave). Commands contain a feature called “service mode” that allows (via a client) for overriding the value set by the (master) Vfsm.


The Peripheral Value PeV is set typically by a (master) Vfsm via the method SetValue() or via a Client/Server access to the attribute "PeV". If the Service Mode is OFF (SvM = false), the Peripheral Value is passed to the C_CMD item object’s internal value Val and from here typically to a (slave) Vfsm. If the Service Mode is ON, the Service Value SvV is passed to the internal value Val.

Command Names

A C_CMD item object can be connected to a Vfsm’s IO-Description File from where it takes the C-Block as its command names:

C # Name - Cmd Names - Value
1 Off 7
2 CmdX 10
3 CmdY 11
4 CmdZ 12

A C_CMD delivers then as the attribute "PeV" and "SvV" the corresponding command name (without command names they return the numbers). The attribute "Lst" delivers a list of the command names with the appropriate numbers, as shown in the following example (\n is the <NL> character 0x0A):

"7 Off\n10 CmdX\n11 CmdY\n12 nCmdZ\n"
#include "vscmd.h"
Runtime Virtual Public Members
SetValueSets the C_CMD object’s Peripheral Value.
GetValueReturns the internal Val value of a C_CMD item object.
Member Functions
virtual void SetValue (int *nVal*);

nVal Numerical value of the command.

The Peripheral Value is set directly; the internal value depends on the Service Mode switch.

virtual int GetValue (void);

Gets the internal value of the item. This means here the command value of the C_CMD as it is sent to the (slave) Vfsm.

Return Value
The command as number.

Host Interface
AttributeAcc.Description (enumeration see VSYSTYP.H)
ValueRInternal value as number
Service ModeX0 -> serv.mode OFF, 1 -> ON
Service ValueXAs numbers or as text, see according IOD-file.
Peripheral ValueXAs numbers or as text, see according IOD-file.
Type NameRName of the according IOD-file, or empty if none
ListRNumbers and names as a list

The type name (the IOD-file name) comes via the Configuration File from the StateWORKS Studio/CMD-Properties to the command item object.

2.1.4 class C_CNT : public CItem

C_CNT is the class of counter objects. It contains all the data and methods to handle the counter aspect of an application. The virtual method SetValue() sets one of the commands to the counter object (see e_CNT_Cmds in VSYSTYP.H). The C_CNT item’s internal value represents the state of the counter (see e_CNT_States in VSYSTYP.H). A counter object acts as a simple finite state machine. The state table is presented here in a form of a transition matrix (the preambles "CC_" and "CS_" are omitted):

RESETStart, ResetStart
STOPStart, ResetStart

“Expiration” happens when the Counter Value becomes equal to the Counter Constant.

In any state the command CC_NewCountConst is allowed. It can lead in the state CS_RUN to an expiration of the counter. The commands CC_IncCounter and CC_DecCounter are possible in the states CS_RUN and CS_OVER. CC_IncCounter in CS_RUN can lead to an expiration of the counter. The state remains CS_OVER even if CC_DecCounter is issued. The commands CC_Reset and CC_ResetStart set the counter register to zero. Instances of C_CNT are used typically to count system internal events like for instance certain state changes of a Vfsm. C_CNT is also the superclass of the timer- and event-counter-items.

#include "vscnt.h"
Runtime Virtual Public Members
SetValueSets the C_CNT object’s command.
GetValueReturns the state of a C_CNT object.
SetCountConstSets the C_CNT’s counter constant.
GetCountConstGets the C_CNT’s counter constant.
GetCountRegisterGets the C_CNT’s counter register.
Member Functions
virtual void SetValue (int *nVal*);

nVal C_CNT command casted to e_CNT_Cmds.

Sets the C_CNT object’s command. This can cause a change of C_CNT’s state and so the advise of other items or client/servers.

virtual int GetValue (void);

Returns the item object’s internal value. Here, this is the state of the C_CNT object casted to e_CNT_States (see VSYSTYP.H).

virtual void SetCountConst (int *nCountConst*);

nCountConst Count Constant (or Limit).

Sets a C_CNT item object’s Counter Constant value.

virtual int GetCountConst(void);

Returns the C_CNT item object’s Counter Constant value.

Return Value
Counter Constant value.

virtual int GetCountRegister(void);

Returns the C_CNT item object’s Counter Register value.

Return Value
Counter Register value.

Host Interface
AttributeAcc.Description (enumeration see VSYSTYP.H)
ValueRCounter’s state as number see e_CNT_States
ValueWCounter’s commands as number see e_CNT_Cmds
State NameRCounter’s state as a text string
Count ConstantXas an (integer) number
Count RegisterRas an (integer) number

2.1.5 class C_DAT : public CItem

C_DAT items are objects holding values typically of physical types like parameters or numerical values. A C_DAT item has the attributes: Data Value, Data Format and Physical Unit. Instances of C_DAT items can be used as objects too but typically C_DAT just serves as superclass of the PAR, NI, NO or UDC item objects.

A C_DAT item object acts as a simple finite state machine. The state table is presented here in a form of a transition matrix (the preambles "SC_" and "SS_" are omitted):

INIToff--“new data”-
UNDEF---“new data”-
CHANGEDoff--“new data”set

“New data” happens when the data changes.

The UNDEF state is used only for PAR items whose Category attribute equals PG_PP or PG_PP_Coded.

Data Value

The CItem’s internal value represents the state of the data (see e_DATA_States in VSYSTYP.H). The state of a CItem (here a C_DAT) object generally represents the control flow (see the state machine transition table above) in the control system, the data value - the data flow.

Data Format

The format determines the numerical representation of the C_DAT’s data value. Numerical values are always stored in 32Bit but nevertheless values are rounded or limited to the resolution of the appropriate format. The following list shows valid formats and their specifications (the syntax and meaning is almost C-like):

booltwo values: true and false
char-128…+127 (8Bit signed)
unsigned char0…255 (8Bit unsigned)
unsigned short int0…65535 (16Bit unsigned)
long-2G…+2G (32Bit signed)
float32Bit floating point, representation most convenient (E or F)
%e0 … %e832Bit floating point, representation exponent, e.g. “3.5e-12”
%f0 … %f832Bit floating point, representation fixpoint, e.g. “1.2345678”
stringa (almost) unlimited text string

%En and %Fn are floating point values. The number n in 0…8 range specifies the number of digits when sent to a client. It is not the internal representation; this is always the full range.


Unit is a free selectable string representing the physical like "mA" or "sec". The string is not used internally. It just serves the client to display the data appropriately.


Data objects have a unit attribute intended to add the physical unit of the represented data. This unit can also be used to define the data as a set of enumeration. In the StateWORKS Studio enter the following string to the Unit-Property of a data object (Dat, Ni, No, Par, Udc):


The brackets are important; they declare the text inside as an enumeration definition instead as a real unit text.

Data Value ... -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ...
Display ... -1 Null One only Two 3 4 5 Sex Crime 8 ...

Values entered as strings are analyzed. If an enumeration text is recognized it is converted to the according numerical value and set to the internal data value. Valid numbers are also accepted.

Units can be replaced by string constants like, e.g. IDS_ENUM.

Comma is used as separator. No text between commas means no text replacement for the number. Start with a comma {,One,Two} if zero is not used.

The value ranges are positive integers including zero.

The Format-Property may be anything (but a string). Float values are rounded down to integers.

Data Values without an assigned enumeration value are displayed in the original format:

Data Value -1.5 0.1 1.1 2.99 3.01 1.23e45
Display -1.5 Null One Two 3.01 1.23e45

Use of Enumeration Class

Enumerations are typically used in context with Cmd objects. Enumerations can also be used elsewhere, for instance in an IO-Handler.


CString stName("MyEnum");
CString stEnum("{Null,One,only Two,,,,Sex,Crime}");
CEnumeration* pEnum;
pEnum = m_pEnumList->Lookup(stName, stEnum);

Explanation of enumeration: see the above chapter.

#include "vsdata.h"
Runtime Public Members
GetValueReturns the state of a C_DAT object.
GetFormatGets the format specification in enumeration representation.
GetUnitGets the string containing the C_DAT object unit.
SetDataSets the data value of a C_DAT object.
GetDataReturns the universal data object.
bGetDataReturns the value of a C_DAT object as boolean.
chGetDataReturns the value of a C_DAT object as character.
uchGetDataReturns the value of a C_DAT object as unsigned char.
nGetDataReturns the value of a C_DAT object as short integer.
unGetDataReturns the value of a C_DAT object as unsigned short integer.
lGetDataReturns the value of a C_DAT object as long.
fGetDataReturns the value of a C_DAT object as float.
pstGetDataReturns the pointer of a C_DAT if it is a string.
stGetDataReturns the string of a C_DAT if it is a string.
Member Functions
int GetValue (void);

Gets the internal value, the state of the C_DAT item. This values can be one of the enum e_DATA_States (DS_OFF, DS_UNDEF, DS_DEF, DS_CHANGED, DS_INIT, DS_SET).

Return Value
C_DAT state as a number (see e_DATA_States is SYSTYP.H).

e_DATA_Formats GetFormat (void);

Gets the format of the data in enumeration representation (see VSYSTYP.H).

Return Value
Data format as enumeration e_DATA_Formats.

CString* GetUnit (void);

Gets the physical unit of the C_DAT object as a string.

Return Value
Pointer to a string object containing the C_DAT’s Physical Unit.

void SetData (bool *bData*);
void SetData (char *nData*);
void SetData (unsigned char *nData*);
void SetData (short *nData*);
void SetData (unsigned short *nData*);
void SetData (long *lData*);
void SetData (float *fData*);
void SetData (CStdString& *stData*);
void SetData (CUniversal& *Data*);

n,l,f,st,Data Input value in appropriate data format.

The value is transformed and possibly limited to the C_DAT objects own format. Changes the C_DAT’s status to DS_CHANGED and of course the data value to the specified value.

CUniversal* GetData (void);

Gets a pointer to the universal data object. Sets the state of the C_DAT object to DS_DEF if it was DS_CHANGED before. This signals that the data was read (consumed) at least once after setting to a new value.

Return Value
A pointer to a universal data object CUniversal.

See Also

virtual bool GetData (CString* *pstVal*, r_Universal *data*);
  • pstVal Pointer to the result string, at least "".
  • Data Input value in appropriate data format.

Represents in pstVal data value, Format is internally specified.

Return Value
true -> if ok, else false.

bool bGetData (void);
char chGetData (void);
unsigned char uchGetData (void);
short int nGetData (void);
unsigned short unGetData (void);
long lGetData (void);
float fGetData (void);
CString* pstGetData (void);
CString stGetData (void);

Returns the C_DAT object’s value in the appropriate format. The value is transformed and possibly limited. Sets the state of the C_DAT object to DS_DEF, if it was DS_CHANGED before. This signals that the data was read (consumed) at least once after setting to a new value.

Return Value
A value in appropriate format.

bool Display (CString* *pstVal*);

pstVal Output parameter; string representation of the data value.

Return Value
true if value is available.

String representation is copied to pstVal. Possibly enumerations are displayed.

bool DisplayWithUnit (CString* *pstVal*);

pstVal String representation of the data value with unit attached, e.g. 6.83V

Return Value
true if value is available.

String representation is copied to pstVal. Possibly enumerations are displayed, and in that case no unit is displayed.

virtual bool Set(CString* *pstVal*);

pstVal String representation of the data value to be set.

Return Value
true if data value has changed, else false.

Puts the string representation of a value to its appropriate format. Applies the limits format according to the value. Tests whether the value has changed. In case of a format error lets the data value unchanged, but sets changed true nevertheless. If it is an enumeration, tests for that.

void SetUnit (CString *stUnit*);

stUnit new unit.

Overwrites the unit of the data item. No enumeration possible.

CString GetUnitText (CString *stUnit*);

stUnit Unit text or string constant.

If stUnit is a string constant IDS_xxx takes the corresponding contents from the resource file, or else takes the original.

Return Value
The original stUnit or the content of the string constant.

Host Interface
AttributeAcc.Description (enumeration see VSYSTYP.H)
ValueRData object’s state as number see e_DATA_States
State NameRData object’s state as text string
FormatRData object’s format as string
Physical UnitRData object’s unit as string
Data ValueRData object’s value as string according its own format
Data ValueWSet value in any format as a string

Format and PhysicalUnit come via the Configuration File from the StateWORKS Studio/DAT-Properties to the data item object. PhysicalUnit is not used by the VFSM System. Format is used to format the value string sent to the destination application.
Data set (poked) by a destination application can be in any valid format. If the format isn’t valid the data value is not changed and the old value is sent as update.

2.1.6 class C_DI : public CItem

A C_DI item is an object holding the connection to a real digital input signal. It is set to 0 or 1 (false, true) with its own method SetValue() by the IO-Handler. C_DIs contain a feature called service mode that allows (via a client) the value set by the IO-Handler to be overridden:


If the Service Mode switch SvM is false, the Peripheral Value PeV is connected to the C_DI item’s value Val. This value is also called the Control Value, because it is the value seen by the state machine (Vfsm). If the Service Mode switch is true, the service mode is ON and the Service Value SvV is connected to the C_DI item’s value Val i.e. the DI is disconnected from its peripherals. The Peripheral Value is set by the method SetValue() that is called typically by an IO-Handler object. The method GetValue() returns the item’s value Val. The Service Mode switch and the Service Value are set by the clients (see the C_DI item’s attributes "SvV" and "SvM").


DI objects have the Invert property (set via the StateWORKS Studio). This is typically used in case of reversed logic. For instance a DI PressureTooHigh may be wired as a low voltage level for active to detect a wire break. If the invert property is set then the signal appears in the control system with the correct logical state.

#include <vsdi.h>
Runtime Virtual Public Members
SetValueSets the C_DI object’s peripheral value.
GetValueReturns the internal value of the C_DI item.
GetInvertReturns the value of the Invert property.
Member Functions
void SetValue (int *nValue*);

nValue State of the Digital Input. 0->false=Low, not 0->true=High.

It is typically called by an IO-Handler object to set the state of the appropriate digital input.
The Peripheral Value is set directly. The internal value depends on the Service Mode switch.

int GetValue (void);

Gets the C_DI item’s internal value. Here, this means the Control Value of the C_DI.

Return Value
C_DI Control Value. State of the digital input: false=Low=0, true=High=1. If the Service Mode switch is set the value of the Service Value is returned.

bool GetInvert (void);

Return Value
The member variable.

Host Interface
AttributeAcc.Description (enumeration see VSYSTYP.H)
ValueRDI object’s state as number 0 or 1
Service ModeX0->service mode in OFF, 1->ON
Sevice ValueX0->false/Low, 1->true/High
Peripheral ValueRvalue set by the IO-Handler (0 or 1)

2.1.7 class C_DO : public CItem

A C_DO item is an object holding the connection to a real digital output signal. It is set to 0 or 1 (false, true) with its own method SetValue() by a Vfsm’s output action or a user written output function. C_DOs contain a feature called service mode that allows (via a client) the value set by the control system to be overridden.


If the Service Mode switch SvM is false, the item’s internal value Val is connected to the C_DO’s Peripheral Value PeV. If the Service Mode switch is true, the service mode is ON and the Service Value SvV is connected to the Peripheral Value PeV i.e. the digital output is disconnected from its control (state machine). The internal value Val is set by the method SetValue(). The method GetValue() returns the item’s value Val. The Service Mode switch and the Service Value are set by the clients (see the C_DO item’s attributes "SvV" and "SvM").


DO objects have the Invert property (set via StateWORKS Studio). This is typically used in case of reversed logic.

If the Peripheral Value changes, the IO-Handler’s method SetOutput() is called to set the value to the according hardware. The IO-Handler is connected to the C_DO item with its method Connect().

#include "vsdo.h"
Initialization - Virtual Public Members
ConnectConnects the C_DO item to an IO-Handler object.
DisconnectDisconnects the C_DO item from an IO-Handler object.
Runtime Virtual Public Members
SetValueSets the C_DO object’s peripheral value.
GetValueReturns the internal value of the C_DO item.
GetInvertReturns the value of the Invert property.
Member Functions
void Connect (CIO_Handler* *pIOHandler*, int *nChannel*);
  • pIOHandler Pointer to the IO-Handler object.
  • nChannel Number within the array of DOs.

Typically used by an IO-Handler object to give the C_DO item access to itself. The C_DO item calls during runtime the IO-Handler objects method SetOutput() to set its value to the peripherals.

virtual void Disconnect (void);

Typically used by the IO-Handler object when it is destroyed. Sets the pointer m_pIOHandler to NULL, so that a possible access to the IO-Handler can be avoided (m_pIOHandler -> (member) set to NULL)

void SetValue (int *nValue*);

nValue State of the Digital Output false=Low=0, true=High=1.

Sets the internal value of the C_DO item (Val). If the Service Mode is off nValue is copied directly to the IO-Handler via the appropriate IO-Handler’s method SetOutput() (if set with Connect()).

See Also
CIO_Handler:: SetOutput

int GetValue (void);

Gets the C_DO item’s internal value.

Return Value
C_DO Control Value. State of the digital output: false=Low=0, true=High=1.

bool GetInvert (void);

Return Value
The member variable.

Host Interface
AttributeAcc.Description (enumeration see VSYSTYP.H)
ValueRDO object’s state as number 0 or 1
Service ModeX0->service mode in OFF, 1->ON
Sevice ValueX0->false/Low, 1->true/High
Peripheral ValueRvalue set to the IO-Handler (0 or 1)

2.1.8 class C_ECNT : public C_CNT

C_ECNT is the class of event counter item objects. It contains all the data and methods to handle this aspect of an application. C_ECNT is a subclass of the item type C_CNT (Counter). It inherits the counter’s state machine and adds the aspect of the event count. It typically counts the events on an item object, for instance the C_DI. Every time the C_DI gets the configured trigger value (1 for true, 0 for false) it increments its counter register. If an event is not that concrete as a digital signal, it is possible to put a SWIP item between, for example, an analog input (NI) and the event counter. The trigger value is then set, for example, to HIGH (such as the value >4). So every time the NI passes the high limit, the counter is incremented.

#include "vsecnt.h"

This class has the same interface as C_CNT.

2.1.9 class CItemList

CItemList is the heart of the database. It contains all the items that are created according to the control system designer’s configuration. It is a dynamic list with an access key, it grows during startup, but it remains constant after that. The access key is the item’s name. The name length is unlimited. Requests from the server always go to this list. The connections between the items are established once via this list during startup (afterwards communication goes directly via pointers). CItemList reads the Configuration File during the startup create phase.

#include "vsil.h"
Initialization - Public Members
LookupGets the pointer to an item identified by an access key.
GetFirstLooks for the first item of the specified item type.
GetNextLooks for the next item of the specified item type.
GetItemNumbGets the number of specified items in the database.
Member Functions
CItem* Lookup (CString *stKey*);

stKey Access key to the item object.

Gets a pointer to the item object addressed by key. If there is no item under the specified name, a NULL pointer is returned.

Return Value
A pointer of the superclass type CItem.

CItem* GetFirst (e_ItemTypes *ItemType*, POSITION& *pos*);
  • ItemType Select special item type (see VSYSTYP.H).
  • pos Iteration variable.

Looks for the first item of the specified item type. Used together with GetNext() to iterate through all of specified item types in the database.

Return Value
Pointer to the item object, NULL if not available.

See Also


CItemList* pIL = &(pDoc->m_VfsmSystem.m_ItemList);
CItem* pItem;
C_UNIT* pUnit;
pItem = pIL->GetFirst (IT_UNIT, pos);
while ( pItem != NULL )
pUnit = (C_UNIT*)pItem;
// do something with the pUnit object
pItem = pIL->GetNext (IT_UNIT, pos);

CItem* GetNext (e_ItemTypes *ItemType*, POSITION& *pos*);
  • ItemType Select special item type (see VSYSTYP.H).
  • pos Iteration variable.

Looks for the next item of the specified item type ItemType. Used together with GetFirst() to iterate through all of a specified item types in the database.

Return Value
Pointer to the item object, NULL if there are no more items.

See Also

see GetFirst

int GetItemNumb (e_ItemTypes *ItemType*);

ItemType Select special item type (see VSYSTYP.H).

Returns the number of the specified item in the database.

Return Value
Number of items in the database.

2.1.10 class CIO_Handler

The class CIO_Handler is a virtual class that is just used as superclass for the user written IO-Handlers. It holds the connection to the database C_UNIT item object that holds the connection to the physical database items like C_DI, C_DO, C_NI or C_NO. User written IO-Handlers inherit the connection to the C_UNIT items and to the methods used by output type database items like C_DO and C_NO.

#include "vsiou.h"
Construction/Destruction - Public Members
CIO_HandlerCreates a CIO_Handler object.
CIO_HandlerDestroys a CIO_Handler object.
Initialization - Virtual Public Members
CreateInstalls the connection to its C_UNIT item.
ConnectConnects the associated output items to its output function.
Initialization - Public Members
GetUnitNameGets the name of the cooperating C_UNIT item.
GetUnitTypeNameGets the type of the cooperating C_UNIT item.
GetPhysicalAddressGets the physical address of the cooperating C_UNIT item.
GetCommPortGets the communication port of the cooperating C_UNIT item.
Runtime Virtual Public Members
SetOutputOutput function used by the associated output items.
GetNumbAssItemGets the number of associated items.
GetAssItemGets the indexed associated item.
pUnitGets a pointer to the cooperating UNIT item.
pItemListGets a pointer to the (global) item list.
ChangedOnItem of dependency has changed
Member Functions
CIO_Handler (void);


~CIO_Handler (void);


The constructor and destructor of this class are listed here as users have to use them while writing IO-Handlers.

virtual bool CIO_Handler::Create (C_UNIT* *pUnit*);

pUnit Pointer to the associated C_UNIT item object.

Stores the pointer pUnit for later use and gets and stores the pointer to the associated item list of this C_UNIT item.

Return Value
true if succeeded.

virtual void Connect(void);

Typically used by the subclasses to connect the associated output items like C_DOs or C_NOs to themselves, so that they can set their output values to appropriate output hardware.

CString GetUnitName (void);

Returns the cooperating C_UNIT item’s name if it exists, otherwise "".

Return Value
String with name of C_UNIT item.

CString GetUnitTypeName (void);

Returns a string object with the cooperating C_UNIT item’s type if it exists, otherwise "".

Return Value
String with name of the C_UNIT item’s type.

int GetPhysicalAddress (void);

Returns the physical address of this IO-Handler. It comes from the Configuration File via the cooperating C_UNIT item.

Return Value
Number with the physical address.

int GetCommPort (void);

Returns the communication port number of this IO-Handler. It comes from the Configuration File via the cooperating C_UNIT item.

Return Value
String with the communication port name.

virtual void SetOutput (bool *bVal*, int *nChan*);
virtual void SetOutput (short int *nVal*, int *nChan*);
virtual void SetOutput (long *lVal*, int *nChan*);
virtual void SetOutput (float *fVal*, int *nChan*);
virtual void SetOutput (int *nChan*);

b/n/l/fVal Value of the output item to set to the output hardware in appropriate format. nChan Sets the output value to this channel number.

Typically used by output items like C_DO and C_NO to set their values via this IO-Handler to a physical output.

The last SetOutput() method triggers only a channel – the data must be supplied in the IO-Handler (got from RTDB, calculated, etc., must be used with of UseSimpleGetOutput(), see the description of the C_NO class).

See Also
C_DO::SetValue, C_NO::SetData

int GetNumbAssItem (void);

Returns the number of associated items of the cooperating C_UNIT item. It is the maximum possible number. It does not mean that these items are really existent, but there are slots for them.

Return Value
Possible number of associated items of the cooperating UNIT item.

CItem* GetAssItem (int *nObjID*);

nObjID Index to the associated item.

Returns the pointer to the indexed associated item. This pointer can be NULL if there is no item or if the index is outside the number of items of that UNIT.

Return Value
Pointer to a CItem object.

C_UNIT* pUnit (void);

Returns the pointer to the cooperating C_UNIT item.

Return Value
Pointer to the cooperating UNIT item.

CItemList* pItemList (void);

Return Value
Returns the pointer to the (global) item list.

void ChangedOn(CItem* *pItem,* e_ItemAttributes *attr*);
  • pItem Pointer to item that has changed
  • attr This attribute of pItem has changed (see VSYSTYP.H)

Is called by the item from which the current item is dependent, to say that it has changed.

See Also


void CIO_HandlerExa::Connect(void)
CItem* pItem;
pItem = GetAssItem(EXA_B_Cmd);
if(pItem != NULL)
if(pItem->GetType() == IT_CMD)
m_pCmd = (C_CMD*)pItem;
} /* End of CIO_HandlerExa::Connect */
void CIO_HandlerExa::ChangedOn(CItem* pItem, e_ItemAttributes attr)
if (pItem == m_pCmd)
if (attr == IAtt_Value)
switch (m_pCmd->GetValue())
case 1: // Load
case 2: // Save
} /* End of CIO_HandlerExa::ChangedOn */

2.1.11 class C_NI : public C_DAT

C_NIs are objects derived from the class C_DAT. They are typically used as representation of hardware devices such as ADCs, Coders or (Hardware) Counters. As the C_Dis, C_NIs are organized in appropriate IO-Handlers. The state of a C_NI item object corresponds to one of the C_DAT states such as DS_CHANGED or DS_DEF to signal for instance to a SWIP item object to check its data value. The method SetInput() is characteristic for C_NIs. It takes a value (e.g. the output of a 12Bit ADC 0…4091) to transform it, e.g. to a current value (e.g. -200… +200A). It can scale the input values with several methods that all take the parameters Scale Factor, Offset and Scale Mode (linear, exp). C_NI adds to the inherited attributes of C_DAT (Data Value, Physical Unit and Format) the attributes: Scale Factor, Offset, Scale Mode and Limit Low.

Scale Algorithms

C_NI items are capable to transform the raw information from the peripherals to scaled values of appropriate physical units. The following scaling methods are available (where x -> Input Value delivered by SetInput(), y -> Data Value, a -> Scale Factor, b -> Offset):

none y = x (the Data Value is passed to the Output Value as is)
Lin y = a*x + b
Exp y = e^(a*x + b)
#include "vsni.h"
Runtime Virtual Public Members
Public MemberDescription
SetInputSets the C_NI item object’s data value via scaling.
GetThresholdGets threshold value.
Member Functions
void SetInput (int *nInp*);
void SetInput (unsigned integer *nInp*);
void SetInput (long *lInp*);
void SetInput (float *fInp*);
void SetInput (CString& *stInp*);

n,w,l,fInp,stInp Input value in appropriate data format.

Is typically called by an IO-Handler object to pass a value from the peripherals to the C_NI item. The value is transformed and possibly limited to the appropriate format and scaled using the scaling method configured. SetInput() changes the C_NI’s status to DS_CHANGED and of course the data value to the specified value.

Do not mix up with the C_DAT item’s virtual method SetData() that goes directly to the data value without scaling.

Cuniversal* GetThreshold(void);

Get threshold as a universal data.

Return Value
Pointer to the threshold data in the appropriate format.

Host Interface
AttributeAcc.Description (enumeration see VSYSTYP.H)
ValueRNI object’s state as number see e_DATA_States
State NameRNI object’s state as text string
FormatRNI object’s format as string
Physical UnitRNI object’s unit as string
Data ValueRNI object’s value as string according its own format
Scale FactorRScale factor
Scale ModeRScale mode as string
Limit LowRThreshold value, means: don’t update if difference is lower

2.1.12 class C_NO : public C_DAT

C_NOs are objects derived from the class C_DAT. They are typically used as representations of hardware devices like DACs or numeric output registers. As for the C_DOs, C_NOs are organized in appropriate IO-Handlers. The state of a C_NO is the one of C_DAT’s states like DS_CHANGED, DS_DEF, DEF_SET or DS_OFF. A C_NO object accepts four commands via the method SetValue(): DC_Off, DC_On, DC_Set and DC_NewData. These commands are set by a Vfsm’s virtual output or a user written output function. There are two ways to set a C_NO item’s output value:

  • A C_NO item object can be plugged to a parameter (C_PAR item) or a table (C_TAB item) object containing the data value. With the commands DC_Off and DC_On the output value of the C_NO item is switched to zero respectively to the PAR or TAB’s data value. With this method a C_NO item can be switched on and off (and via TAB to several data values) just by a Vfsm’s virtual output.
  • The virtual C_DAT method SetData() sets the C_NO item’s Data Value directly. This method is typically used by user written output functions, if the previous method is too limited.

In both cases the data value, e.g. a voltage of -20V…+20V, is transformed to a code value which could be something like 0…4091 as output to a 12Bit DAC. This output value is passed to the peripherals via the method SetOutput() of the appropriate IO-Handler object. The IO-Handler is connected to the C_NO item with its method Connect(). It can scale the data value with several methods that all take the parameters Scale Factor, Offset and Scale Mode (none, linear, exp). C_NO is like C_NI a subclass of C_DAT. It adds to its attributes (Data Value, Physical Unit and Format) the attributes Scale Factor, Offset and Scale Mode. In addition, C_NO has also the Out_Data attribute to define the source of the output value (C_PAR or C_TAB).

Scale Algorithms

C_NO items are able to transform the data value of a physical unit into the information of the peripherals. The following scaling methods are available and can be defined in the Configuration (x -> Data Value delivered by SetData(), y -> Output Value, a -> Scale Factor, b -> Offset):

none y = x (the Data Value is passed to the Output Value as is)
Lin y = a*x + b
Exp y = e^(a*x + b)
#include "vsno.h"
Runtime Virtual Public Members
SetValueSets a command to the C_NO item.
SetDataSets the C_NO item the object’s data value.
n/l/fGetOutputCall for the scaled output value in according format.
DisconnectSets the pointer to m_pIOHandler to NULL.
Runtime Public Members
UseSimpleGetOutputForces the NO item to use the SetOutput(nChan) method instead of SetOutput(xVal, nChan).
Member Functions
virtual void SetValue (int *nVal*);

nVal Number of a valid C_NO command (see e_DATA_Cmds in VSYSTYP.H).

Sets the command to the C_NO. It accepts DC_Off, DC_On, DC_Set and DC_NewData:

  • DC_Off State goes to DS_OFF and the data and output are set to zero.
  • DC_On State goes to DS_CHANGED the output is set to the data of the attached parameter or table.
  • DC_NewData State goes to DS_CHANGED the new data is copied to the internal data and output.
  • DC_Set State goes to DS_SET. Value is set to the output. It is not copied from the attached parameter or table.

virtual void SetData (short *nData*);
virtual void SetData (unsigned short *nData*); virtual void SetData (long *lData*);
virtual void SetData (float *fData*);
virtual void SetData (CUniversal& *Data*);

l,n,f,Data Output value in appropriate format.

Is typically called by user written output functions. The value is transformed to the appropriate format. SetData() changes the C_NOs status to DS_CHANGED (and of course the data value) and sends the scaled value to the attached output handler via the IO-Handler’s method SetOutput().

See Also
CIO_Handler:: SetOutput


int Func1 (CItem* pOwner, int nVO)
C_NO* pAO;
short i = 2047;
pAO = (C_NO*)GetAssItem(5);
return 1;

short int nGetOutput (void);
long lGetOutput (void);
float fGetOutput (void);

Gets the scaled output value in according format.

Return Value
Output value of the NO is scaled, formatted and possibly limited.


void CAOUnit::SetOutput (int nChan)
long lVal;
lVal = m_paNO[nChan]->lGetOutput(); // ... put lVal to DAC hardware
} /* End of CAOUnit::SetOutput */

virtual void Disconnect (void);

Typically used by the IO-Handler object when it is destroyed. Sets the pointer m_pIOHandler to NULL, so that a possible access to the IO-Handler can be avoided (m_pIOHandler -> (member) set to NULL)

void UseSimpleGetOutput (void);

Typically used by IO handles during system initialization. Forces the NO to use the CIO_Handler::SetOutput (int nChan) virtual method with the intention to use one of the xGetOutput() methods.

Host Interface
AttributeAcc.Description (enumeration see VSYSTYP.H)
ValueRNO object’s state as number, see e_DATA_States
ValueWNO object’s command number, see e_DATA_Cmds
State NameRNO object’s state as text string
FormatRNO object’s format as string
Physical UnitRNO object’s unit as string
Data ValueRNO object’s value as string according its own format
Data ValueWSet NO object’s value as string representation
Scale FactorRScale factor
Scale ModeRScale mode as string

2.1.13 class C_OFUN : public CItem

Output Function items are objects holding a connection to a user written procedure of a well-defined type. A C_OFUN item object has the attributes: the pointer to the C_UNIT or C_VFSM item it belongs to and a pointer to the appropriate user written output function. The CItem’s internal value represents the return value of the Output Function that is a user defined integer. The virtual method SetValue() calls the output function and passes to it the set value and the pointer to the item that owns the C_OFUN object.

#include "vsofu.h"

The C_OFUN class has no public programming interface.

Host Interface
AttributeExt.Acc.Description (enumeration see VSYSTYP.H)
ValueXOFUN object’s value (the OFun’s input or return value)

2.1.14 class C_PAR : public C_DAT

C_PAR items are objects holding values used as time constants, output values or switchpoint values. A C_PAR item is a subclass of C_DAT. It adds to its attributes Data Value, Physical Unit and Format the attributes Category (describes the persistence aspect), LimitLow/High and Init Value. The state of a C_PAR item object corresponds to one of the C_DAT states such as DS_CHANGED or DS_DEF.


There are two main parameter category classes: PP (process parameters) and EP (equipment parameters). Equipment parameters typically define a machine’s general behavior, changed from time to time, but valid over system shutdowns. Process parameters are typically used as a kind of recipe. The management of the PPs is the user interface’s responsibility. The EPs (in a Windows NT environment) are automatically stored in the Registry. With three EP categories it is possible to store EPs workstation wide:

PPDon’t store to Registry, managed otherwise (e.g., by the user interface)
EPStore in HKEY_CURRENT_USER under path .../EP

The category EP allows parameter to be stored and used once individually per user, EP_LM_USERS common to all users. The EPs of category EP_LM_ADMIN are write protected from other users for Administrators.

The Registry is used under Windows. In UNIX-like operating systems the Registry is replaced by a file system (see the CRegistry class). Handling of that is transparent for the user: RTDB built for Windows stores the EP parameters in Registry, RTDB built for UNIX stores the parameters in appropriate files.

#include "vspar.h"
Runtime Public Members
GetInitValueReturns a pointer to a CUniversal object with the initialization value.
GetLimitLowReturns a pointer to a CUniversal object with the low limit.
GetLimitHighReturns a pointer to a CUniversal object with the high limit.
SetLimitLowSets the value of the limit low attribute.
SetLimitHighSets the value of the limit high attribute.
Member Functions
CUniversal* GetInitValue (void);

Returns a pointer to a CUniversal object containing the initialization value in the PAR object’s own format.

CUniversal* GetLimitLow (void);

Returns a pointer to a CUniversal object containing the low limit value in the PAR object’s own format.

CUniversal* GetLimitHigh (void);

Returns a pointer to a CUniversal object containing the high limit value in the PAR object’s own format.

void GetLimitLow (float *dLL*);

dLL limit low value as float.

Sets the parameter’s low limit value.

void GetLimitHigh (float *dLH*);

dLH limit high value as float.

Sets the parameter’s high limit value.

Host Interface
AttributeAcc.Description (enumeration see VSYSTYP.H)
ValueRPAR object’s state as number see e_DATA_States
State NameRPAR object’s state as text string
FormatRPAR object’s format as string
Physical UnitRPAR object’s unit as string
CategoryRPAR object’s category (EP, PP, …)
Data ValueRPAR object’s value as string according its own format
Data ValueWSet PAR object’s value as string representation
Limit LowRPAR object’s low limit according its own format
Limit HighRPAR object’s high limit according its own format
Initial ValueRPAR object’s init value according its own format

2.1.15 class CRegistry

An application built on RTDB has to store some information to be used by the next start-up. The CRegistry class is used for storing EP parameters (see the description in C_PAR class).

The rules for storing the parameters under Windows operating systems are:

  • EP are stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER as EP,
  • EP_LM_USERS are stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE as EP_USERS. The default full Registry “path” is SOFTWARE\SW Software\RTDB\Settings\.

For a non-Windows operating system (in principle, UNIX like) special Registry files are used for this purpose:

  • EP in .SWdb.reg file in a HOME directory
  • EP_LM_ADMIN in .SWdb_ADMIN.reg file in the /root directory
  • EP_LM_USERS in .SWdb_USERS.reg file in the /root directory.
  • Be aware of a dot at the beginning of the file names (UNIX convention for hidden files). The max length of strings written into the files is 256 characters.

The CRegistry class is here documented for supplying the information about storing the EP parameters in the Registry. By programming a run-time system based on RTDB library, especially IO-Handlers or Output Functions there is no direct demand for accessing the EP parameters. It is possible to use the Registry files under Windows. In such a case the environment variable HOME must define the directory path which contains the (user) Registry file and the /root directory must exist. The following similar CRegistryConfig class is more interesting for a user.

It is difficult to find a standard solution for storing EP parameters in embedded systems. In fact, each system has a specific solution.

Note the naming convention used: for a non-Windows environment the Registry is replaced by Registry files.

#include "registry.h"
Runtime Public members
InitOpens the Registry keys.
QueryQueries a string value from a Registry key.
SetValueSets or changes string value in a Registry key.
Member functions
Init(const char* AdminDataPath= NULL);

Opens three Registry keys: EP, EP_LM_ADMIN or EP_LM_USERS, respectively opens/creates three Registry files in a non Win32 environment.

Query(const char* ValueName, CStdString &sData, e_PAR_Categories Category=PG_EP);

Queries a string value from one of three Registry keys: EP, EP_LM_ADMIN or EP_LM_USERS, respectively gets a string value from Registry files. The default Registry key is the current user (EP).

SetValue(const char* ValueName, CStdString* sData, e_PAR_Categories Category=PG_EP);

Sets or changes a string value in one of three Registry keys: EP, EP_LM_ADMIN or EP_LM_USERS, respectively sets/changes string values in Registry files. The default Registry key is the current user (EP).

2.1.16 class CRegistryConf

An application built on RTDB has to store some information to be used by the next start-up. The CRegistryConf class is used for storing configuration file paths.

By start-up the RTDB needs the configuration file (‘swd) and two directories: a directory which contains the VFSM specification files (*.iod and *.str) and a directory for SULOG.TXT and TRACE.TXT files. This information is stored under Windows operating system under Registry key SOFTWARE\SW Software\RTDB\Settings\Conf as (for instance): ConfigFile, DataFilePath and VFSMTypePath.

For a non-Windows operating system (in principle, UNIX-like) a special Registry file is used for this purpose: .SWdb_Conf.reg.

Be aware of a dot at the beginning of the file name (UNIX convention for hidden files). The max length of strings written into the files is 256 characters.

It is possible to build an application which does not use the Registry under Windows. In such a case the environment variable HOME must define the directory path which will contain the Registry file .SWdb_Conf.reg, for instance "C:\Home". The directory must exist before the run-time application starts.

It is difficult to find a standard solution for storing the Configuration data in embedded systems. In fact, each system has a specific solution.

#include "registryconf.h"
Runtime Public members
InitOpens the Registry keys.
QueryQueries a string value from a Registry key.
SetValueSets or changes string value in a Registry key.
Member functions

Opens the Registry key Conf, respectively opens/creates the Registry files in a non Win32 environment.

Query(const const char* ValueName, CStdString &sData);

Queries a string value from the Conf Registry key: ConfFile, DataFilePath or VFSMTypePath, respectively gets a string value from the Registry file.

SetValue(const char* ValueName, CStdString* sData,);

Sets or changes a string value in the Conf Registry key: ConfFile, DataFilePath or VFSMTypePath, respectively sets a string value from the Registry file.

2.1.17 class CQueueReceiver

Instances of the class CQueueReceiver and CQueueSender can only exist in a multithreading environment such as WIN32. They are typically used to connect I/O unit threads with the real-time database. They are designed for high performance in speed and reliability. A queue receiver can have one or several queue senders. A queue receiver is created with the method Create() by specifying the number and the size of the queue entries. The entries remain allocated for the lifetime of the queue. After that the senders are connected with the method CQueueSender::Connect(). A queue has two semaphores: one to signal the receiver thread when the queue is not empty anymore and one to signal the sender thread(s) when the queue is not full anymore. A mutex prevents the queue data structure from simultaneous access by sender(s) and receiver.

#include "vsmequ.h"
Initialization - Public Members
CreateAllocates the needed number and size of entries.
GetMessageSizeGets the size of the queue entries.
Runtime Public Members
ReceivePuts a free packet to the queue and gets a message packet back.
GetBodyGets a pointer to the data within the message packet.
operator void*Pointer to the message body.
Member Functions
bool Create(int *nBodySize,* int *nEntries* );
  • nBodySize Size of the queue entries in bytes.
  • nEntries Number of queue entries.

Allocates nEntries of message entries with the size of nBodySize and one entry for the receiver itself. The size has to fit to the data that is intended to be sent via the queue.

Return Value
true if OK.

int GetMessageSize (void);

A message packet in fact consists of the message body for the user data and additional data for the queue management. This method returns the size of only the message body in bytes.

Return Value
Message body size in bytes.

bool Receive(void);
bool Receive(unsigned long *dwTimeout*);

dwTimeout Timeout interval in milliseconds.

The caller thread waits first on the queue mutex for the access to the queue. If the queue is empty it then waits on the receive semaphore until a sender puts a message to the queue or until the dwTimeout expires. If the queue is (or becomes) not empty the callers packet is put to the empty packets and it gets the first or only message packet from the queue. In case of a timeout the caller keeps his packet and the method returns false. Receive() without timeout waits infinitely.

Return Value
true if message received, else false when timeout expired.

char* GetBody (void);

Uses the queue as a C string representation of the received message body.

Return Value
Pointer to the message body.

CQueueReceiver::operator void
operator void*(void);

Same as GetBody() as operator.

Return Value
Pointer to the message body.

2.1.18 class CQueueSender

The description - see CQueueReceiver.

#include "vsmequ.h"
Initialization - Public Members
ConnectConnects itself to a receiver queue.
GetMessageSizeGets the size of the message body.
Runtime Public Members
SendPuts a message packet to the queue and gets a free one back.
SendUnicSends only if message packet is not there already.
SendLdtSends; if queue is full remove the oldest packet.
pstBodyReturns a pointer to the data within the message packet.
Member Functions
void Connect(CQueueReceiver* *pQueue*);

pQueue Pointer to the queue receiver to connect to.

Connects itself to the specified queue. Creates the message packet according to the queue receiver’s own message size.

int GetMessageSize (void);

A message packet in fact consists of the message body for the user data and additional data for the queue management. This method returns the size of only the message body in bytes.

Return Value
Message body size in bytes.

bool Send (void);

The caller thread waits first on the queue mutex for the access to the queue. If the queue is full it then waits on the send semaphore until the receiver puts a free message packet to the queue. If the queue is (or becomes) not full the caller’s packet is put onto the queue and it gets the first or only free message packet from the queue.

Return Value
Always true.

bool SendUnic (void);

Same as Send() but send only if packet isn’t already in the queue.

Return Value
true if entered, false if message packet was already there.

bool SendLdt (void);

Same as Send() but limited. If queue is full (no free packets) remove the oldest done packet.
The oldest packet gets lost but it never has to wait.

Return Value
true if OK else false.

void* pstBody (void);

Uses a C anytype pointer representation of the send message body.

Return Value
Pointer to the message body.

2.1.19 class C_STR: public CItem

The STR VFSM is used to control a data object used to evaluate strings. In detail, it compares the received string with a regular expression (RE). The result is a “match”, “no-match” or “error”. The regular expression itself can be a DAT, PAR or a hard coded string. The regular expression allows all special characters as known in UNIX tools like sed, awk. This means that also multiple matches are possible, i.e. the compare result “match” can deliver more then one resulting string. The resulting (sub-) string(s) can be stored in other objects such as STR, DAT, PAR or NI. Dependent on the data type of the destination object, the resulting (sub-) string will be converted. In case the conversion is not possible the destination object will be not changed.

A C_STR item object acts as a simple finite state machine. The state table is presented here in a form of a transition matrix (the preambles "SC_" and "SS_" are omitted):

Supported Regular Expressions
.Matches one arbitrary charactera.c matches abc but not abbc
^Matches the beginning of a string^ab matches abcd but not cdab
$Matches the end of a stringab$ matches cdab but not abcd
\nn=1...9, matches the same string of characters as was matched by a sub expression enclosed between () preceding the \n. n specifies the n-th sub expression(ab(cd)ef)A\2 matches abcdefAcd
( )sub expression(\d)A(\d) matches 1A2, 0A4
[ ]Defines a set of characters to be matched[a-z] matches s, w… but not S, W
[^ ]Defines all characters except the Characters in the set[^1-9] matches s, W … but not 1, 2
( | | )Matches one of the alternatives(ab | cd) matches ab and cd
RE+Matches one or more times the RE[^1-9]+ matches Good but not Obj5
RE?Matches one or zero times the REabc? matches ab and abc
RE*Matches zero or more times the REab* matches a, ab, abb
RE{n}Matches exactly n times the REab{2} matches abb only
RE{n,}Matches at least n times the REab{2,} matches abb, abbb but not ab
RE{n,m}Matches any number of occurrences between n and m inclusiveab{1,2} matches ab and abb only
#include "vsstr.h"
Runtime - Virtual Public Members
SetValueSets a command to the C_STR object.
GetValueGets the state of the C_STR (Control Value).
Member Functions
virtual void SetValue (int *nCmd*);

nCmd Value of the C_STR Command (casted to e_STR_Cmds, see VSYSTYP.H)

Is typically called by an item’s output action to set one of the C_STR commands. C_STR commands can change the C_STR’s status either directly by the command or if the command is a SC_NewDataCmd via the changed input or changed limits.

virtual int GetValue (void);

Gets the internal item value, the state of the C_STR. Here, this means the Control Value of the C_STR.

The state of the C_STR as a number, to be cast to e_STR_States (see VSYSTYP.H).

Host Interface
AttributeAcc.Description (enumeration see VSYSTYP.H)
ValueRSWIP object’s state as number, see e_SWIP_States
ValueWSWIP object’s command, see e_SWIP_Cmds
State NameRSWIP object’s state name
Service ModeX`0->service mode in OFF, 1->ON
Sevice ValueXSWIP object’s service value, see e_SWIP_States
Peripheral ValueRSWIP’s state according input and limits
Limit LowXSWIP object’s low limit according its own format
Limit HighXSWIP object’s high limit according its own format
Data ValueRSWIP object’s input value

2.1.20 class C_SWIP : public CItem

C_SWIP item objects are objects that divide an arbitrary data value range into three parts and reflect the presence in one of these of the data value by setting the item’s internal value. A C_SWIP works together with at least one item of type C_DAT (and of course with all derivations of it like C_NI, C_UDC or C_PAR) as input data. The low- and high-limit values can be constants, or set via configuration or they can also be items of type C_DAT (typically of type C_PAR).

A C_SWIP item object acts as a simple finite state machine. The state table is presented here in a form of a transition matrix (the preambles "SC_" and "SS_" are omitted):

OFF-On & “low”On & “in”On & “high”

"Low": Input<LimitLow, "in": LimitLow<Input<LimitHigh, "high": Input>LimitHigh

In any of the states the commands SC_NewLimitLow, SC_NewLimitHigh and SC_NewInput are allowed. They can lead in the states SS_LOW, SS_IN and SS_HIGH to a change to another of these states.

C_SWIP items contain a feature called service mode that allows (via a client) the item’s internal value to be overridden.


If the Service Mode switch SvM is false, the Peripheral Value PeV is connected to the C_SWIP item’s value Val. This value is also called the Control Value, because it is the value seen by the control (Vfsm). If the Service Mode switch is true, the service mode is ON and the Service Value SvV is connected to the C_SWIP item’s value Val i.e. the SWIP is disconnected from its peripherals. The Peripheral Value is set by the SWIP’s logic according to the input value and the limits. The Service Mode switch and the Service Value are set by the clients (see the C_SWIP item’s attributes "SvV" and "SvM").

#include "vsswip.h"
Runtime - Virtual Public Members
SetValueSets a command to the C_SWIP object.
GetValueGets the state of the C_SWIP (Control Value).
Runtime - Public Members
SetLimitsSets the C_SWIP item object’s low limit and high limit.
SetLimitLowSets the C_SWIP item object’s low limit.
SetLimitHighSets the C_SWIP item object’s high limit.
GetLimitLowReturns a pointer to a CUniversal object with the low limit.
GetLimitHighReturns a pointer to a CUniversal object with the high limit.
Member Functions
virtual void SetValue (int *nCmd*);

nCmd Value of the C_SWIP Command (casted to e_SWIP_Cmds, see VSYSTYP.H)

Is typically called by an item’s output action to set one of the C_SWIP commands. C_SWIP commands can change the C_SWIP’s status either directly by the command or if the command is a SC_NewDataCmd via the changed input or changed limits.

virtual int GetValue (void);

Gets the internal item value, the state of the C_SWIP. This means here the Control Value of the C_SWIP.

The state of the C_SWIP as a number, to be cast to e_SWIP_States (see VSYSTYP.H).

void SetLimits (float *fLimLow*, float *fLimHigh*);

fLimLow/High Low and High Limit Values.

Typically used by a user written output function to set the C_SWIP’s low and high limits. Possibly causes a state change. The limit values are transformed from the float of the parameter to the same internal representation as the C_SWIP’s input value.


C_PAR* pPar = (C_PAR*) (pOwner->GetAssItem(cPLim) );
C_SWIP* pSwip = (C_SWIP*)( pOwner->GetAssItem(cSwip) );
C_NO* pAo = (C_NO*) (pOwner->GetAssItem(cAo) );
float fLimH = pPar->fGetData();
float fLimL = -fLimH;
float fOVal;
pPar = (C_PAR*)(pOwner->GetAssItem(cPVal) );
fOVal = pPar->fGetData();
fLimH += fOVal;
fLimL += fOVal;
pSwip->SetLimits (fLimL, fLimH);
pAo->SetData (fOVal);

void SetLimitLow(float *fLimLow*);

fLimLow Low limit values.

Typically used by user written output functions to set the C_SWIP’s low limit. Possibly causes a state change. The limit value is transformed from the float of the parameter to the same internal representation as the C_SWIP’s input value.

void SetLimitHigh(float *fLimHigh*);

fLimHigh High limit values.

Typically used by user written output functions to set the C_SWIP’s high limit. Possibly causes a state change. The limit value is transformed from the float of the parameter to the same internal representation as the C_SWIP’s input value.

CUniversal* GetLimitLow (void);

Returns a pointer to a CUniversal object containing the low limit value in the SWIP object’s own format.

CUniversal* GetLimitHigh (void);

Returns a pointer to a CUniversal object containing the high limit value in the SWIP object’s own format.

Host Interface
AttributeAcc.Description (enumeration see VSYSTYP.H)
ValueRSWIP object’s state as number, see e_SWIP_States
ValueWSWIP object’s command, see e_SWIP_Cmds
State NameRSWIP object’s state name
Service ModeX0->service mode in OFF, 1->ON
Sevice ValueXSWIP object’s service value, see e_SWIP_States
Peripheral ValueRSWIP’s state according input and limits
Limit LowXSWIP object’s low limit according its own format
Limit HighXSWIP object’s high limit according its own format
Data ValueRSWIP object’s input value

2.1.21 class C_TAB : public CItem

A C_TAB is a table item. It has no data value of its own. It has an array with pointers to data items (typically parameters). Its state (the item’s internal value) is the index to this array. The state is set directly by the virtual method SetValue(). So it switches between the several data items. Thus, it acts as a multiplexer that maps several C_DAT items (or derived) to one. To an item that uses it (typically C_NO, C_CNT, C_SWIP) it looks like a C_DAT item.

Although for a C_TAB item only derivations of the item type C_DAT (typically parameters) make any sense, it accepts every item type. In the worst case it gets a value of zero from them.

#include "vstab.h"
Runtime Virtual Public Members
SetValueSets the C_TAB object’s internal value, the index.
GetDataGets the indexed data as a universal data object.
Member Functions
virtual void SetValue (int *nVal*);

nVal Index to the item array (0 based), typically a virtual output value.

Is typically called by a Vfsm’s output function or by a user written output function. It sets the index to the according data item. Items that use the TAB (e.g. a NO) are advised at the change and can get the new data with GetData().

virtual CUniversal* GetData (void);

Gets a pointer to the universal data object value that is indexed by the internal value. If out of range or not available it returns a dummy data with long integer.

Return Value
A pointer to the CUniversal object.

Host Interface
AttributeAcc.Description (enumeration see VSYSTYP.H)
ValueXTAB object’s value

2.1.22 class C_TI : public C_CNT

C_TI is the class of timer objects. It contains all the data and methods to handle the timer aspect of an application. C_TI is a subclass of the item type Counter (C_CNT). It inherits the counter’s state machine and adds the aspect of the timebase. It has no other public interface.

#include "vstim.h"
Host Interface
AttributeAcc.Description (enumeration see VSYSTYP.H)
ValueRTimer’s state as number see e_CNT_States
ValueWTimer’s commands as number; see e_CNT_Cmds
State NameRTimer’s state as a text string
Count ConstantXas an integer number
Count RegisterRas an integer number
Physical UnitRThe timer’s timebase: “100ms”, “sec” or “min”

2.1.23 class C_UDC : public C_DAT

The Up/Down Counter item objects C_UDC are objects derived from the class C_DAT. They hold a data value of type long (Sign plus 31 bits) used as a counter value. Different from other counter objects (C_CNT, C_TI or C_ECNT) they have no counter constant and do not return states as OVER or RESET. Their state is derived from those of C_DAT such as DS_CHANGED or DS_DEF. The counter can be monitored with a C_SWIP object and has a range from negative to positive values. C_UDC adds to C_DAT attributes (Data Value, Physical Unit and Format) the references to up to three item objects that can deliver the Clear-, Up- or Down-triggers by their internal values. The method SetValue() sets a command (UC_Clear, UC_Up and UC_Down, see e_UDC_Cmds in VSYSTYP.H). There are two ways to control a C_UDC item: via a Vfsm’s virtual output and via an item’s ItemAdviseList. In both cases the C_UDC’s method SetValue() executes an appropriate command.

#include "vsudc.h"
Runtime - Virtual Public Members
SetValueSets a command to the C_UDC object.
GetValueReturns the state of a C_UCD object.
Member Functions
virtual int GetValue (void);

Gets the internal value, the state of the C_UDC item. This values can be one of the enum e_DATA_States (DS_OFF = 0, DS_DEF, DS_CHANGED, DS_INIT).

Return Value
C_UDC state as number (see e_DATA_States is SYSTYP.H).

virtual void SetValue (int *nCmd*);

nCmd Value of the C_UDC command as number (cast to e_UDC_Cmds).

Is typically called by item’s ItemAdviseList, by Vfsm’s virtual output or by user written output functions to set one of the C_UDC commands (e_UDC_Cmds see VSYSTYP.H). UDC commands change the C_UDC item’s status to DS_CHANGED and of course the value of the counter (the data value).

Host Interface
AttributeAcc.Description (enumeration see VSYSTYP.H)
ValueRUDC object’s state as number see e_DATA_States
ValueWUDC object’s command see e_UDC_Cmds
State NameRUDC object’s state as text string
FormatRUDC object’s format as string (always “long”)
Physical UnitRUDC object’s unit as string
Data ValueRUDC object’s value as string in long format

PhysicalUnit come via the Configuration File from the StateWORKS Studio/DAT-Properties to the data item object. PhysicalUnit is not used by the VFSM System. Format is always long.

Data set (poked) by a destination application can be in any valid format. If the format isn’t valid the data value is not changed and the old value is sent as update.

2.1.24 class C_UNIT : public CItem

The C_UNIT item is an object that collects the I/O objects for a physical IO-Handler. The C_UNIT has an AssItemList to hold the connection to the I/O objects, a unit type, a physical address and a communication port name. It gets these things from the Configuration File during the System Startup Phase Create, and it makes it accessible to the IO-Handlers of the IO-Handler. It is the link between the configuration and the IO-Handler.

IO objects are basically the item types C_DI, C_DO, C_NI and C_NO. A C_UNIT item typically comprises items of these types because they hold connections to real physical I/Os. But there is no limitation to that. A C_UNIT item can hold every item type. In practice, for instance C_CMD, C_XDA and C_PAR item types are often used in the C_UNIT.

The C_UNIT class is a derivation of CItem, but it makes no use of its data.

#include "vsunit.h"
Public Members
GetUnitTypeNameReturns the name of the unit type (the IOD-File name).
GetPhysicalAddressReturns the configured physical address.
GetCommPortReturns the configured communication port name.
GetNumbAssItemReturns the number of associated item.
GetAssItemReturns a pointer to the indexed associated item.
Member Functions
CString GetUnitTypeName (void);

Returns the name of the IO-Handler type that is intended to cooperate.

Return Value
IO-Handler type as string.

int GetPhysicalAddress (void);

This function is typically used by IO-Handlers to appropriately address the IO-hardware.

Return Value
Returns the C_UNIT object’s physical address.

CString GetCommPort (void);

Returns the communication port as string representation.

Return Value
Communication port, e.g. "COM1".

int GetNumbAssItem (void);

Returns the maximum number of associated items of that C_UNIT object.

Return Value
Number of associated items.

CItem* GetAssItem (int *nObjID*);

nObjID Index to an associated item.

Returns the indexed associated item. Index is the number of the item within the UNIT. Returns NULL if number is out of bounds.

Return Value
Pointer to the indexed associated item or NULL if none.

Host Interface
Assoc Item ListRAssociated item list
Type NameRType of the cooperating IO-Handler as string
Physical AddrRPhysical address of the IO-Handler’s hardware as integer
CommPortRCommunication port as string

AssocItemList is a list of the items that are collected by the UNIT. The list has the form:

PAR PollTime\nDI IOUnit1_Di0\nDI IOUnit1_Di1\n <and so on>\n

PAR is the item type and PollTime is the item name. Type and name are separated by a blank. The items are separated by the <NL> characters (new line = 0x0A).

Type Name, Physical Addr and CommPort come via the Configuration File from the StateWORKS Studio/UNIT-Properties to the unit item object. They are not used by the VFSM System.

2.1.25 class CUniversal

CUniversal objects are objects holding values in various formats. This data type is typically used by C_DAT item objects (and the derivations C_PAR, C_NI, C_NO). CUniversal objects have as attributes the enumeration Format and the union Data that stores the data in the appropriate format at the same physical memory address. This union has a size of 4 bytes. Of course when the format is char, three Bytes are wasted. There are operators and methods to copy objects with different formats. Copying from bigger formats to smaller (e.g. long to char) is done by limiting to the smaller object’s value range (e.g. 900 to a char is 127, -10e37 to a boolean is 0).

#include "vsuni.h"
Initialization - Virtual Public Members
CreateSets the CUniversal object’s format.
Runtime - Public Members
bGetDataReturns the data value converted and limited to 1Bit.
chGetDataReturns the data value converted and limited to signed 8Bit.
uchGetDataReturns the data value converted and limited to unsigned 8Bit.
nGetDataReturns the data value converted and limited to signed 16Bit.
unGetDataReturns the data value converted and limited to unsigned 16Bit.
lGetDataReturns the data value converted and limited to signed 32Bit.
fGetDataReturns the data value converted to 32Bit float.
CopyConvertCopies one object’s data to another. Convert and limit to appropriate format.
DisplayMakes a string representation of the data in appropriate format.
SetSets the object’s data from a string representation.
SetDataSets the object’s data when string format.
GetFormatReturns the object’s data format as enumeration.
stGetFormatReturns the object’s data format as string representation.
operator=Overloads, copies data of several formats to the object’s data.
IsGreaterThanCompares two object’s data independent of their format.
IsSmallerThanCompares two object’s data independent of their format.
Data - Public Members
m_DataData structure direct access in r_Universal (see VSYSTYP.H).
Member Functions
void Create (e_DATA_Formats *Format*);
void Create (CString *stFrm*);
  • Format Format specification as enumeration (see e_DATA_Formats in VSYSTYP.H).
  • stFrm Format specification as string representation.

Sets the format of the object’s data either directly or via a string. It can be applied after instantiation to set the format the first time, or any time to change the format of the object’s data. The data value remains if the value fits to the format; otherwise it is limited to the new format’s limits.

bool bGetData (void);
char chGetData (void);
unsigned char uchGetData (void);
short int nGetData (void);
unsigned short unGetData (void);
long lGetData (void);
float fGetData (void);

Returns the data value in the appropriate format independent of the object’s data format. Possibly limited to the return value’s limits.

Return Value
CUniversal object’s data value in the appropriate format.

void CopyConvert (CUniversal* *pSrc*);

pSrc Pointer to the source object.

Copies the value of the source object’s data (in the format for that object) into the data of the destination object, in the format for the destination. The value is possibly limited to this format’s limits, so data loss could occur.

bool Display(CString* *pstVal*);

pstVal Pointer to the string object to copy the data to.

Makes a string representation of the object’s data according to its format.
true if OK, false if format not supported.

bool Set(CString* *pstVal*);

pstVal Pointer to the string object to take the data from.

Puts the string representation of a value to its appropriate format. Applies the limits and format according to the value. Tests whether the value has changed. In case of a format error leaves the data value unchanged, but returns true (use to fake changed data).

Return value
Returns true if the data has changed.


CUniversal data;
CString st = "1.2345";

void SetData (CString& *stData*);

stData String object to copy to CUniversal object’s string object.

Copies the string object to the object’s data if its format is DF_STRING, else do nothing.

e_DATA_Formats GetFormat (void);

Returns the CUniversal object’s data format as enumeration (see VSYSTYP.H).

Return value
Data format.

CString* stGetFormat (void);

Returns the CUniversal object’s data format as string representation.

Return value
Data format as string.

CUniversal operator= (bool *b*);
CUniversal operator= (char *ch*);
CUniversal operator= (unsigned char *uch*);
CUniversal operator= (short int *n*);
CUniversal operator= (unsigned short *un*);
CUniversal operator= (long *l*);
CUniversal operator= (float *f*);
CUniversal operator= (CUniversal& *Uni*);

b, ch, uch, n, un, l, f, Uni CUniversal object’s data new value in appropriate format.

Overloads the = Operator, so that several formats can be copied to a CUniversal object’s data.
Too large values are limited to the limits of the destination’s format.

bool IsGreaterThan(CUniversal& *Uni*);
bool IsSmallerThan(CUniversal& *Uni*);

Uni Object to compare.

Compares the current CUniversal object’s data value with the specified one. Takes the current format.

Return value
According to the appropriate fact.

r_Universal m_Data;

m_Data CUniversal object’s data structure.

Direct access to the object’s data structure.

2.1.26 class C_VFSM : public CItem

A C_VFSM item object is an object that stores the state of the Vfsm. It is the incarnation of the Vfsm. The state is simply the item’s internal value. Additional data held here are the Virtual Input (VI), a reference to the Vfsm-Type object (state table, IO objects) and others.

C_VFSM items contain a service mode that allows (via a client) the state to be overridden:


If the Service Mode switch SvM is false, the real state of the Vfsm (here called the Peripheral Value) PeV is connected to the C_VFSM item’s value Val. This value is also called the Control Value, because it is the value seen by the control (the master Vfsm). If the Service Mode switch is true, the service mode is ON and the Service Value SvV is connected to the C_VFSM item’s value Val i.e. the VFSM item is disconnected from its state machine. The Peripheral Value is set by the Vfsm-Executor. The method GetValue() returns the item’s value Val. The method GetState() always gets the state machine’s state PeV. The Service Mode switch and the Service Value are set by the clients (see the C_DI item’s attributes SvV and SvM).

Note, that the user will never use the methods of the C_VFSM class because there is no application for them in programming IO-Handlers or Output Functions. The C_VFSM class is documented here only for training purposes to explain the functioning of the VFSM Executor.

#include "vsvfsm.h"
Runtime Virtual Public Members
SetValueEnters the specified VI name, clears first the whole class.
ResetValueRemoves the specified VI name.
GetValueReturns the state of the Vfsm including the service mode.
GetStateReturns the state of the Vfsm, no service mode.
GetUnitTypeNameReturns the name of the C_VFSM’s type (specification, state table).
GetNumbAssItemReturns the number of associated item
GetAssItemReturns a pointer to the indexed associated item.
Member Functions
virtual void SetValue (int *nVI*);

nVI The VI name as a number.

Is typically called by other item objects to set a VI name to the VI-set of this C_VFSM item. It removes the class belonging to the nVI from the C_VFSM’s VI set and then it enters the nVI and calls the executor.

virtual void ResetValue (int *nVI*);

nVI The VI name as number.

Is typically called by other items to remove the VI class of the appropriate VI name from this C_VFSM’s VI-set. Although the VI-set changes, the executor is not called.

virtual int GetValue (void);

Returns the item’s internal value. This means here the state of the Vfsm. It depends on Service Mode switch, Service Value or the Vfsm’s state machine.

int GetState (void);

Is typically called by the Vfsm-Executor to look for the state of the Vfsm it is executing. The state machine’s state returned here is the real state, independent of the service mode.

virtual CString GetUnitTypeName (void);

Returns the name of the C_VFSM’s type as a string object. The name is the one of the appropriate state table specification and IO description file (*.STR, *.IOD).

int GetNumbAssItem (void);

Returns the maximum number of associated items of that C_VFSM object.

Return Value
Number of associated items.

CItem* GetAssItem (int *nObjID*);

nObjID Index to an associated item.

Returns the indexed associated item. Index is the number of the item within the VFSM. Returns NULL if number is out of bounds.

Return Value
Pointer to the idexed associated item or NULL if none.

Host Interface
ValueRState or ServiceValue as numb, see List or IOD-file.
State NameRState machine’s state name as string
Virtual InputRVirtual Input, a set
Service ModeX0 -> service mode OFF, 1 -> ON
ServiceValueXAs numbers, see List or IOD-file.
Peripheral ValueRState machine’s state as number
Assoc Item ListRAssociated item list
TypeNameRType of the Vfsm as string
ListRState names as a list
Run ModeX0->FreeRun, 1->Hold, 2->Step
Next StepRIn Hold-Mode next possible transition else “none”

Virtual Input is displayed as a set of VI names. A VI string looks like "{1,4,5}". The VI names are separated by commas. The numbers refer to the I-Block in the according IOD-file. Assoc Item List is a list of the items that are owned by the VFSM. The list has the form:

CMD Stepper1_MyCmd\nTI Stepper1_Tim\n DI Stepper1_DiStart\nDO Stepper1_Do1\n

CMD is the item type and Stepper1_MyCmd is the name. Type and name are separated by a blank. The items are separated by <NL characters (new line = 0x0A).
List delivers a string containing names of states ordered by state numbers:


Init is state number 1, OFF is 2 and so on. \n is the <NL>character (new line = 0x0A).
Run Mode = Step means that the state machine performs one state change or one set of due input actions or both.

2.1.27 class C_XDA : public CItem

C_XDA item objects hold a certain amount of memory used typically by user written output functions or I/O-Units. They hold as normal items an internal value. The internal value is of integer type. It is set by the Vfsm’s output function or by user written output functions. On the other hand the internal value can become a virtual input of the same or another Vfsm.

Warning: The C_XDA item object must not be used as an input and as an output in the same state machine, especially in the same state.

#include "vsxda.h"
Runtime - Virtual Public Members
SetValueSets the internal value to the C_XDA object.
GetValueReturns the internal value of a C_XDA object.
pMemoryReturns the pointer to the auxiliary memory.
nSizeReturns the size of the auxiliary memory.
Member Functions
virtual void SetValue (int *nVal*);

nVal Value of the C_XDA.

Is typically called by Vfsm’s virtual output or by user written output functions.

int GetValue (void);

Gets the internal value of the C_XDA item.

Return Value
C_XDA value as integer number.

void* pMemory (void);

Gets the pointer to the C_XDA item’s auxilary memory block.

Return Value
(Any type) pointer to a memory block.

int nSize (void);

Gets the size to the C_XDA item’s auxilary memory block. This size is set via the Configuration File from the StateWORKS Studio/XDA-Properties.

Return Value
Size of memory block in bytes.

Host Interface
ValueXValue of the XDA.

2.1.28 class CVfsmSystem

CVfsmSystem is the class that contains the whole Vfsm system. It acts mainly during the Startup Phase of the system. It can be adapted to a WindowsNT environment or to any other OS.

#include <vswin.h>
Initialization - Public Members
CreateBuilds up the whole system.
RemoveAllRemoves all dynamic data, system remains.
AttachToMainWindowInstalls the connection to the container window object.
TimeBaseTickUpdates the VFSM System’s time base.
ItemNumbGets the number of a specified item type in the VFSM System.
FirstItemLooks for the first item of a specified type in the VFSM System.
NextItemIterates through all items of a specified type
PollAdviseQueueEmpties the VFSM System’s event advise queue.
Member Functions
bool Create (CString stVfsmTypePath, CString stDataFilePath, CString stConfigName);
  • stVfsmTypePath Directory with the *.STR and *.IOD files.
  • stDataFilePath Directory for the log files.
  • stConfigName Directory and name of the Configuration File.

This method builds up the whole VFSM System. It installs the global database and system resources access. It performs the System Startup Phase Create, Connect and at last Initialize.

Return Value
false if the system isn’t able to work: true, there can be errors in configuration but the system can work.

void RemoveAll(void);

Deletes the database and all dynamic data by calling the appropriate object’s method delete. After that, the system is ready to perform a new Create().

void AttachToMainWindow (CWnd* *pPar*);

pPar Pointer to the parent (main) window.

Sets the Parent Window to the VFSM System in case the OS is WindowsNT. This is the environment for the Host Client/Server connection.

int ItemNumb (e_ItemTypes *eItemType*);

eItemType Specification of the item type (see VSYSTYP.H).

Returns the number of a specified item type currently available in the database.

Return Value
Number of instances of the specified item type.

CItem* FirstItem (e_ItemTypes *eItemType*, POSITION& *pos*);
  • eItemType Specification of the item type (see VSYSTYP.H).
  • pos Iterator

Returns the first item of a specified item type currently instantiated in the database.

Return Value
Pointer to the first instances of the specified item type. NULL if not there.

CItem* NextItem (e_ItemTypes *eItemType*, POSITION& *pos*)
  • eItemType Specification of the item type (see VSYSTYP.H).
  • pos Iterator

Returns the next item of a specified item type currently instantiated in the database.

Return Value
Pointer to the next instances of the specified item type. NULL if at the end of them.

See Also


CVfsmSystem* pVS = &(pDoc->m_VfsmSystem);
C_PAR* pPar;
pPar = (C_PAR*)pVS->FirstItem (IT_PAR, pos);
while ( pPar != NULL )
// do something with the pPar object
pPar = (C_PAR*)pVS->GetNextItem (IT_PAR, pos);

bool PollAdviseQueue(void);

This method has to be called at the Window’s message loop idle time. It gets the advise requests one by one from the advise queue and passes them to the Host PostAdvise() method. If the queue is empty it does nothing.

Return Value
true if an element was removed from the queue. false when the queue is empty.


All generally relevant declarations are in the file VSYSTYP.H.


This file is the declaration of all globally used enumeration and data structures in the VFSM System. Many of them belong to a specific class. There are some rules to know:

  • The tables showing states or commands of a certain item types have a row called Name. It shows the string representation of the attribute ".StN" (state name).
  • Enumeration values with _LAST or _Last are not really used, they serve only as limits in the program code.
enum e_ItemTypes

The enumeration represents the Real-time Database’s item types. Type Name is the string representation used, e.g. in the Configuration File, as an item type identifier.

EnumerationNumType Name
enum e_ItemAttributes

This enumeration represents the summary of available attributes. A particular item type typically uses only a subset of it. The following table shows all the attributes. Enumeration is the text used in a C++ program, Number is the numeric representation for instance used in the TCP/IP host communication, Attribute Name is the way attributes are mentioned in text and the abbreviation Short is the text used in the Host interface (TCP/IP or DDE) as extension to the item name (e.g. "DI_DoorOPEN.Val").

EnumerationNumberAttribute NameShort
IAtt_ServiceMode2Service ModeSvM
IAtt_ServiceValue3Service ValueSvV
IAtt_PeripheralValue4Peripheral ValuePeV
IAtt_VI5Virtual InputVI
IAtt_StateName6State NameStN
IAtt_AssocItemList7Associated Item ListAIL
IAtt_TypeName8Type NameTyp
IAtt_CountConstant9Count ConstantCnC
IAtt_CountRegister10Count RegisterCnR
IAtt_PhysicalUnit13Physical UnitUni
IAtt_LimitLow14Limit LowLiL
IAtt_LimitHigh15Limit HighLiH
IAtt_InitValue16Initital ValueIVa
IAtt_DataValue17Data ValueDat
IAtt_ScaleFactor21Scale FactorScF
IAtt_ScaleMode23Scale ModeScM
IAtt_PhysAddr25Physical AddrPAd
IAtt_RunMode28Rune ModeRMo
IAtt_NextStep29Next StepNSt
enum e_DATA_Formats

The enumeration represents the C_DAT item’s data value format. Format Name is the string representation in the C_DAT item’s attribute "Frm".

e_DATA_FormatsNumFormat Name
union r_Universal

This data structure stores several data formats in the same 32Bit. It is used typically when working with C_DAT item and CUniversal objects.

union r_Universal
bool b;
char ch;
unsigned char uch;
unsigned short un;
short int n;
long l;
float f;
void* ptr;
CItem* pItem;
CString* pst;
}; /* End of r_Universal */
enum e_PAR_Categories

The enumeration represents the C_PAR item’s category. Cat Name is the string representation in the C_PAR item’s attribute "Cat".

e_PAR_CategoriesNumRemark (stored in Registry)Category Name
PG_PP2not stored in RegistryPP
PG_PP_Coded5not stored in Registry; value set by IO-Handler CodePP_Coded
enum e_NIO_ScaleModes

The enumeration represents the C_NI and C_NO item’s Scale Mode. Scale Name is the string representation in the C_NI/O item’s attribute "ScM".

e_NIO_ScaleModesNumScale Name
SM_Sin4Sin (not used)
SM_ASin5ASin (not used)
enum e_UDC_Cmds

The enumeration represents the C_UDC item’s command.

enum e_CNT_States, e_CNT_Cmds

The two enumerations represent the C_CNT and the derived item’s state (internal value) and command.

enum e_STR_States, e_STR_Cmds

The two enumerations represent the C_STR item’s state (internal value) and command.

enum e_SWIP_States, e_SWIP_Cmds

The two enumerations represent the C_SWIP item’s state (internal value) and command.

enum e_ALA_States, e_ALA_Cmds

The two enumerations represent the C_AL item’s state (internal value) and command.

enum e_DATA_States, e_DATA_Cmds

The two enumerations represent the C_DAT item’s state (internal value) and command.




  1. Because there may be entries made later, the file sulog.txt remains open until the system stops. It can be read while open, for instance with a notepad.

  2. Actually, in the VFSM concept any data type has also the control value unknown.

  3. Also in this case outputs have the additional value which exists after the system start-up: the value not set. Note also that for instance the value On once set cannot be removed but is rather replaced by Off.

  4. To wait means that our thread is removed by the scheduler from the ready queue and put into the wait queue.

  5. The trace file entries are immediately flushed. So the file can be read while the system runs, for instance with a notepad. The resolution is milliseconds as in 10:36:20,009.

  6. RTDB for other applications or OS may not allow string constants.