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SW Studio Quick Reference

ST table and diagram

Abbreviations used:

  • state transition table = ST table
  • state transition diagram = ST diagram
  • state machine system diagram = SMS diagram
OperationIn the ST table
What to do
In the ST diagram
What to do
Open ST diagramCommand
- File/Open
.icon_command_file_open Icon: “Project VFSM files”
Select stateMove cursor to a state fieldClick on the state in the ST diagram.
Select transitionMove cursor to a state field or a transition condition fieldClick on the transition arrow in the ST diagram.Double click on the transition arrow opens the ST table, with the cursor in the transition condition field
Add new stateCommands:
- Edit/Insert expression
- Edit/Append expression
Click on any point in the STdiagram, It opens the state name dictionary. After defining the state name and OK the state appears on the ST diagram and the ST table opens. icon_command_edit_insert Icon: “Insert new state”
Delete stateCommand
- Edit/Delete expression
Select state.
Command State/Delete.
Delete or Back key. icon_command_edit_delete Icon: “Delete state”
A deleted state stays in the State Name Dictionary and may be still used.
Ultimate deletion is done in the State Name Dictionary.
Add new transitionCommands:
- Edit/Insert expression
- Edit/Append expression
Click the right mouse over the state in the ST diagram and drag the appearing arrow to another state.
The ST table opens to specify the state transition condition. The transition is appended after the last existing transition.
Click the right mouse over the state to create a transition to the same state.
Details can be filled in later if you prefer. Note order of transitions defines priority.
Delete transitionCommand
- Edit/Delete expression
Select transition. Delete or Back key
Open ST tableAlready open in this modeDouble click on state in the diagramCTRL/double click on state opens a new ST table window.
Open next ST transition tableCTRL + double click on state in the diagramUp to 4 ST tables can be open at the same time
Display state informationEntire information is contained in the displayed ST tablePosition the cursor over the state name, transition arc, action symbol (E: X: I:)
Move stateClick on the state and drag it to the new position
Scroll ST diagramUse arrow keys or a mouse scrolling wheel
Scroll ST diagram on the print pageUse SHIFT + arrow keys or SHIFT + a mouse scrolling wheelUse Print setup to display the page boundaries.
Zoom ST diagramUse + / - keys of the numerical pad or CTRL + mouse scrolling wheel icon_zoom_st_diagram Icon: “Zoom to all states”to fit the window size
Default size of the ST diagramSPACE

SMS diagram

OperationIn the SMS diagram
What to do
Open SMS diagram. icon_view_sms_diagram Icon: “Show/Hide SMS diagram”The icon is visible only for a selected Project window
Open Properties window of a state machine or unitDouble click on the state machine or unit in the SMS diagram.
Open ST diagramSHIFT + double click on the state machine in the diagram.
Move state machineSelect the state machine by a click on it and drag it to the new position. icon_grid Icon: “Snap to grid”View → SMS diagram → Grid settings - if selected the new position is on a grid.
Display state machine informationPosition the cursor over the state machine.
Display commandPosition the cursor over the arrow entering the state machine on top.This is a command sent from a Master to a Slave state machine.
Display statePosition the cursor over the arrow entering the state machine on bottom.This is a state of a Slave state machine.
Select a linkClick on the linkThe color of the link changes to red.
Display all state machine linksSelect the state machine by a click on itThe color of all links reaching the state machine changes to red.
Scroll SMS diagramUse arrow keys or a mouse scrolling wheel.
Scroll SMS diagram on the print pageUse SHIFT + arrow keys.Use Print setup to display the page boundaries.
Zoom SMS diagramSPACE - Use + / - keys of the numerical pad or CTRL + mouse scrolling wheelto return to default size and position

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