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About state machines

State machines in the (software) control world

1. A state machine

Automata Theory distinguishes between combinatorial and sequential circuits. If inputs determine outputs, we have a combinatorial circuit, otherwise a sequential circuit. A state machine is a specific implementation of a sequential circuit. A state machine is known under several names: state machine, finite state machine, automata, push down automata (Push down state machines), Turing machine, deterministic state machine, statechart (Harel Automata). Some of them are just the same. For instance, it is difficult to explain a difference between a state machine and a finite state machine as the word “finite” is not unambiguously defined. To justify the name finite state machine, shouldn’t we have also infinite state machine? The word automaton (automata) is used as a synonym of a state machine. In a lexical analysis a specific state machine called parser (also called recognizer or acceptor) has been used.

In this paper a state machine is considered as a description of the system control behavior: what to do in all imaginable situations. The base of a state machine is a state as complete information about the history of input changes. States represent all possible situations in which a control system may ever be. A diagram in Figure 1 shows the dependencies involved in a state machine functioning: both the State transition conditions, and the Action conditions are functions of Inputs and a State.


Figure 1: State machine definition

The true sense of changing states is to perform some actions (except for parser where only state changes count). The behavior of the control system is then described by a transition table and/or a state transition diagram. The state transition diagram is a graphical representation where we use two elements: circles for states and arcs for transitions. To get the full information we use for each state a state transition table which contains: transitions and their transition conditions, as well as all possible actions. Actions are performed on inputs or state changes. Therefore, we distinguish:

  • input actions performed if input changes
  • entry actions on entering a state
  • exit actions on leaving a state
  • transition actions while state changes.

Effectively several actions are performed just in the same moment. When an input change forces the state machine to change a state, all actions can be performed in the sequence:

  • input action as the input has been changed
  • exit action as the state machine leaves the present state
  • transition action as the state machine changes a state
  • entry action as the state machine enters a new state.

In practice not all actions are used. For instance, we speak about:

  • Mealy model if only input actions are used
  • Moore model if only entry actions are used.

Figure 2 shows a state transition diagram of a state machine that controls a pressure in a vacuum chamber and Figure 3 shows a state transition table of the state Starting. In the example three types of actions are used: input, entry and exit. We do not go into the details (syntax) of the presentation as it depends on the tool used (the presented diagram and table have been created using StateWORKS development system).


Figure 2: Example of a state transition diagram

Several activities are initiated. Waiting for Pressure acknowledgements. Due to a Timer missing acknowledgement leads to return to the Idle state. Too hot pump leads to the PumpError state. Both erroneous situation generate corresponding alarms. Error by accessing the output function returns the state machine also to the state Idle: it does not make sense to supervise the pressure without having proper pressure limits (corresponding alarms are generated in Always table).


Figure 3: Example of a state transition table

2. State machine in hardware design

For completeness, we mention shortly the role of state machines in hardware design. As a rule, they use the Moore model (entry actions only) and the implementation uses a set of flip-flops (organized as a register) which state is the state of the state machine. The use of state machines is rather obvious: the environment is a pure Boolean one, the tasks are relatively simple and limited to single state machines (if the application uses several state machines they are not considered as a system of state machines but just single separate state machines). The complexity of the control is these days located in the software.

3. State machine in software design

The real interest of the paper is the use of state machines in software design. The complexity of sequential tasks in software is huge. Any not-trivial software is a complex sequential system. The extreme examples are the operational systems of computers. Hence, one might think that state machine should have been used in software design. In practice, they are used with care and as a rule they are hidden in the code. There are countless possibilities to code a state machine using if-then-else and switch statements. The spaghetti code produced in that way can be simplified using a table-based solution. All of them are difficult to understand and error-prone. The basic source of errors is the state variable that can be manipulated everywhere in the code. In case of many state machines the requirement is often to consider them as a system of interconnected state machines. In the coded version it is rather a dream.

4. Why do state machines fail?

Theoretically state machines could be used in design and implementation of software control systems. Everybody knows them as they are at least mentioned in some academic courses or trainings but the idea that the entire software can be based on state machines is not understood and considered as an unrealistic undertaking. State machines are used in informal discussions or to solve some local control problems in a program. Several tools based on a state machine have been developed (SDL, UML, ASML only to mentioned what the author has tried) but they never found large acceptance. If applied, the tools are used in the initial specification phase of the project and then forgotten.

The specification is never perfect. During implementation several changes are required, not only cosmetic but essential ones. They are never done in the specification but directly in the code. Over time the gap between specification and implementation is growing. Eventually we can only say “in code we trust” as the initial specification has lost any credibility. Solving control problems directly in the code is the major reason for software malfunctioning. Understanding the software functioning by reading a code increases essentially the cost of software maintenance and changes.

There are several issues that are responsible for the situation. In the following sections we will discuss some of them which we regard as essential obstacle in broader application of state machines in software practice. First, we show that the implementation model of a state machine influences the specification.

5. Implementation model of a state machine

Thinking of a state machine we must distinguish between a superficial representation of a control task and a definite specification of a state machine which is to be implemented. The following trivial example illustrates the problem: we want to switch on and off a motor using a toggle button (it has one stable position). Pushing the button switches the motor on (if it has been off) or off (if it has been on). We assume that the execution system is triggered to perform transition by events: in that case the events are changes of the input DI from LOW to HIGH and vice-versa.

A first solution could be a state machine with 2 states shown on Figure 4.


Figure 4: Toggle 2

The motor will be switched on in the state _B_On and switched off in the state _B_Off. This implementation will work if the execution system performs only one transition at a time. Otherwise, it will oscillate between states _B_On and _B_Off until the input signal changes to LOW.

A second solution would be a state machine with 4 states shown on Figure 5. In that case the motor will be switched on in the state OnBusy and switched off in the state OffBusy. In addition, the states OnBusy and OffBusy “delay” the transition to the correspondingly stable states On and Off until the input signal goes to LOW. In this solution the execution system allows several transitions at a time.


Figure 5: Toggle 5

The example above shows that there are several specifications of control behavior. In other words, each of this specification is correct, but the programmer has to program it differently.

A similar toggle problem exists if the trigger signal is a multivalued one. For instance for a simple temperature regulation problem (air conditioning or heating) the input signal has 3 values: Temperature_HIGH, Temperature_OK and Temperature_LOW. To specify the control problem for air conditioning, we use two signals Temperature_HIGH and Temperature_LOW as shown in Figure 6. The implementation does not restrict the functioning of the execution system: one transition or several transitions at a time will do. If the air conditioning is off the Temperature_HIGH signal changes the state to On (air conditioning will be switched on). If the air conditioning is on the Temperature_LOW signal changes the state to Off (air conditioning will be switched off). The coded implementation is in that case extremely simple. Due to its sequence of changes: Temperature_HIGH - Temperature_OK - Temperature_LOW… The input signal performs directly the control.


Figure 6: Toggle temperature

6. Getting logical conditions (Positive Logical Algebra)

The major problem by implementing of a state machine is the generation of logical conditions (State transition conditions and Action conditions). In the hardware environment, where state machines have found their original use, this problem does not exist: all signals are Boolean. In contrary the state machines specified and implemented in the software require logical conditions that are per se multivalued ones. Examples:

  • Temperature can be at least Low, OK, High
  • Commands may have several values: Init, Start, Stop, Break, Continue
  • In a (hierarchical) system of state machines the Slaves state machines have many states that are used in transition conditions of a Master state machine.

In addition, many input signals can be not known due for instance to a broken cable which means that even a digital input signals (considered as classical Boolean values) are in fact 3 values signals: Low, High, Unknown. The Temperature example needs probably also the value Unknown.

A Positive Logical Algebra solves this problem by creating a Virtual Environment which allows specification of state machines for software using multivalued variables. The definition of the Positive Logic Algebra can be found in Appendix 1.

7. Hierarchical system of state machines

If the control problem is complex enough it is impossible to specify its behavior with a single state machine. The use of several state machines could be a solution. The organization of such a system of state machines is a very difficult challenge. The coded solution means that a programmer creates communication means to exchange information among the state machine. This solution is very difficult to understand and test. It is also very difficult to present a documentation of the control flow in the software. A hierarchical organization of state machine seems to be a solution.

Statechart implements this idea assuming top-down design. It means that a designer starts with an initial bubble which represents the entire control. The initial bubble is then refined to express more details of the control. The weak point of the approach is the top-down design which often cannot be used in control systems.

In contrary, using the bottom-up design a designer starts with a specification of elementary units like motor control, gauge operation, pressure control, monitoring, emergency treatment, etc. The lowest level (Level 3) of state machines has a direct contact with the physical world reading hardware signals, measured values and contacting extern devices. The state machines on the lowest level are organized in functional groups, each group being controlled by a corresponding state machine. The state machines in the Level 2 communicate with their slaves accessing their states and sending commands. On the other hand, state machines in the Level2 may be controlled by state machines in Level 1 which read their states and send them commands. Eventually on the top is a single Master state machine. Figure 7 shows an example (copied from [1]).

The decision about top-down or bottom-up design is in the praxis not that sharp. The analysis of the problem is often done as top-down, the design rather bottom-up. Often while coding the method changes; it is a trial-error process. Having a specification tool, it is easier to test different approaches, by pure coding approach eventually the programmers have to settle for anything.


Figure 7: Example of a hierarchical system of state machines

8. StateWORKS and the use of execution system

Theoretically it would be possible to code a StateWORKS hierarchical system of state machines, but the result will be as bad as by other coded solutions: the first approach will correspond to the specification but introducing changes to the program will create gap between the specification and implementation. The advantage of StateWORKS solution is the use of virtual environment which allows creation of a run time system that just executes the specification. Several projects have confirmed that this concept works.

The StateWORKS concept results in a strict separation of a data flow and a control flow in the software: the control flow is realized in a StateWORKS execution system and the data flow in (coded) output functions.

9. The human factor

Major factor by software development constitutes programmers. Without their acceptance any concept will fail. In principle programmers reject any idea which reduces the freedom of coding; they assume that they can code any problem regardless of its complexity. It is true, but the result depends on programmers quality: top programmers deliver very good software; weak programmers create software catastrophes. Unfortunately, we have not enough top programmers. We believe that a use of a state machine specification which is executable would make a software development more effective allowing the concentration of coding effort on programming of data flow.

We comment two examples of software development where we have experienced ourselves the pitfalls of coding instead of state machine specification.

  • Protocol specifications use state machine presentations. We had to use once a DIAMOND failover protocol. Studying the state machine presented in a corresponding telecommunication specification we found a rather unusual notation there which makes the understanding quite difficult. First of all, we “translated” this diagram into a true state machine diagram and contacted the authors of the specifications suggesting replacing the state machine diagram in the specification. The contact has shown that the authors have rather limited knowledge about state machines and their conclusion was that “the programmers will do it”.
  • Writing a User Interface is a standard occupation in many programs that communicate with a user. The controls shown on the screen may generate a message if activated, may be shown or hidden, enabled or disabled, etc. A typical approach is a chaotic scenario where the activation of buttons, text boxes, radio buttons, combo boxes, etc. is done in functions called during execution of the program. In many cases the state of the controls depends not only on the functions but on the actual situation (state of the application). Hence, we need additional variables which reflect the state of the application. But these variables depend also on the situation. In other words, a state machine which states define unambiguously the situation would be a recommended solution. But how often is this understood and realized?

10. Conclusions

The article has discussed the major problems that limit a true use of state machines in software:

  • Incomplete understanding of an implementation model of a state machine
  • Restriction of input variables to Boolean values
  • Misunderstanding of a system of state machines
  • Programmers’ resistance to no coding solution.

We have shown that the use of Virtual Environment allows a full specification of the behavior beyond the true Boolean values. Such a specification can be carried out in an execution environment which eliminates the burden of coding the control flow. This solution works for single state machine as well as a system of hierarchically organized state machines.

Appendix 1. The Virtual Environment using Positive Logic Algebra

Input Names and Virtual Input

A state of an input is described by Input Names which create a set:

  • input A: Anames = {A1,A2,A3}\{A1, A2, A3\}
  • input B: Bnames = {B1,B2}\{B1, B2\}
  • input C: Cnames = {C1,C2,C3,C4,C5}\{C1, C2, C3, C4, C5\}


Virtual Input VI is a set of mutually exclusive (active) elements of input names. The VI always contains the element always:

VI = {always}\{always\}

VI = {always,A1}\{always, A1\}

VI = {always,A1,B2,C4}\{always, A1, B2, C4\}

Logical operations on Input Names

& (AND) operation is a set of input names:

A1 & B3 & C2 {A1,B3,C2}A1 \ \&\ B3 \ \&\ C2 \Rightarrow\ \{A1, B3, C2\}

| (OR) operation is a table of sets of input names:

A1B3C2[{A1}{B3}{C2}]A1 \mid B3 \mid C2\Rightarrow \left[ \begin{array}{c} \{ A1 \} \\ \{ B3 \} \\ \{ C2 \} \end{array} \right]

~ (Complement) is a complement of a set of input names:

A2={A1,A3}\sim A2 = \{A1, A3\}

Logical expression

A logical expression is an OR-table of AND-sets (corresponds to disjunctive form of a boolean expression):

A1 & B3A1 & B2 & C4C2[{A1B3}{A1B2C4}{C2}]A1 \ \&\ B3 \mid A1 \ \&\ B2 \ \&\ C4 \mid C2 \Rightarrow \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} \{A1 & B3\} \\ \{A1 & B2 & C4\} \\ \{C2\} \end{array} \right]

Logical expressions are used to express any logical function.

Evaluation of a logical expression

The logical value (true, false) of a logical expression is calculated by testing whether any of the AND-sets in the OR-table is a subset of VI.

Output Names and Virtual Output

A state of an output is described by Output Names which create a set:

output Xnames = {X1,X2}\{X1, X2\}

output Ynames = {Y1,Y2,Y3}\{Y1, Y2, Y3\}

Virtual Output VO is a set of mutually exclusive elements of output names.

Virtual Environment

The Virtual Name and Virtual Output completed by State Names create a Virtual Environment VE where the behavior is specified.


[1] Book: Modeling Software with Finite State Machines: A practical Approach

The article was originally written by author F. Wagner
Here you can view the unedited file directly from the author: PDF