How to write GUI for a StateWORKS application
Graphical User Interface for StateWORKS Run-time Systems
Most applications need some sort of graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI is used to communicate with the program: to set parameters, send commands, display results, show alarms, etc. In a StateWORKS run-time system the entire information is stored in the Real Time Data Base (RTDB). RTDB has a TCP/IP interface which allows access to the data. The RTDB operates as a server. To access the data in the RTDB we need a TCP/IP client.
Monitoring programs that are part of the StateWORKS Studio are programs that use a TCP/IP interface for communication with the RTDB: they are RTDB clients.
To make the task easy we provide a TCP/IP Client library which should be used for building any GUI interface for a StateWORKS application.
TCP/IP Client Library
The TCP/IP C++ library has been built and tested with MS Visual Studio. To use it 3 h-files are required. The most interesting h-file TCPIPClient.h
contains the declaration of all functions used for building GUI programs:
Initialize() // to store the callback function and environment pointerConnect() // to create socket and the RTDB serverConnected() // to test whether the client is connectedDisconnect() // to disconnect the client from the RTDB serverRequest() // to get a value of the object property, the actual value is returned as a function parameter and via the event portPoke() // to set a value of the object property, the set value is returned as a function parameterAdviseStart() // to start advise of the object propertyAdviseStop() // to stop advise of the object propertyUnAdviseAll() // to stop advise
The port created with the TCP/IP library contains two sockets: one for sending Request, Poke, etc. and the second one for events generated by Advised objects or in reply to Request.
You can learn from the GUI_CPP.cpp
file (A.01) the details of the connection. The file has been taken from the GUI_CPP.exe
project prepared with MS Visual Studio .NET. Of course, the details of windows programming will differ for other development platform. Therefore, I ignore them and concentrate only on TCP/IP relevant topic. The description below contains some detailed information explaining the idiosyncrasies of the library functions.
The initialization
The Initialize()
method called by a start of the program in the OnInitDialog()
requires two parameters:
- the reference to the callback function
used by the event thread run in the TCP/IP client. - the pointer to the Owner of the
The Connection
The Connect()
method called in the OnBnClickedConnect()
requires two parameters: the server name and the port number. As both parameters have default values: respectively LOCALHOST
and 9091
(the StateWORKS port number) they can be omitted if the client will run on the same computer as the StateWORKS run-time system.
The Disconnection
The Disconnect()
method called in a local Disconnect()
function does not take any parameters (actually, it has one parameter bWithUnadvise
that you can ignore as it has a default value false
). The local Disconnect()
function is used twice: in OnBnClickedDisconnect()
activated when the user disconnects the client with the Disconnect button and in the RepEvt
function when the server terminates the connection.
Getting a value
The Request()
method is called several times: by Connect
, Get
, Set
and in the RepEvt
function. It should be called by setting a value in the RTDB as the automatic answer coming to the Write value operation is not the actual value but the written value.
The Request()
method requires 3 parameters:
- the object Name, for instance
, - the object Attribute to be read (see Appendix), for instance
, - the reference to a Value variable which will contain the read attribute value.
Setting a value
The Poke()
method is called in the OnBnClickedSet()
function and requires 3 parameters:
- the object Name, for instance
, - the Value to be written, for instance
, - the object Attribute to be written (see Appendix), for instance
As mentioned already before, it makes sense to complete the writing an attribute value by a reading operation because the value returned during the write operation is not the actual value but the written value (a kind of echo).
Advise an object attribute
The Advise operation instructs the server to send an event to the client if the “advised” object attribute has changed. The AdviseStart()
method is called in the OnBnClickedAdvise()
function and requires 3 parameters:
- the object Name, for instance
, - the object Attribute to be advised (see Appendix), for instance
, - the reference to a Value variable which will contain the just advised attribute value (for an advise operation the actual value is returned).
Unadvising an object attribute
The Unadvise operation instructs the server to stop sending events to the client. The AdviseStop()
method is called in the OnBnClickedUnAdvise()
function and requires 2 parameters:
- the object Name, for instance
, - the object Attribute to be unadvised (see Appendix), for instance
Note that all methods parameters except the Name of the object and Attribute in case of the Poke()
method has default values. If you do not set the Attribute value the functions return doing nothing.
The RepEvt
The RepEvt()
function cannot belong to the Application class (in this case CGUI_CPPDlg
). Therefore while called it receives the pointer to the environment which allows it to use the method of the application class.
The RepEvt()
function is called in the client event thread implemented in the TCP/IP library (not accessible to the programmer). It is called there in 3 relevant cases:
- when the server send an event with the advised data object,
- when the server restarts the application configuration file,
- when the server exits.
It is called also by request, but normally we do not use it as we get the requested value anyway when the Request()
function returns.
Example GUI_CPP
The GUI interface depends on the application. It is impossible to write something of a general character, except Monitors which offer access to all RTDB data, so the example given is a kind of Monitor. The source code, which is provided for download from our website, shows the usage of the TCP/IP Client functions. In addition to its tutorial function, the example displays all object attributes and allows quickly to check the read/write feature of the attribute – clicking the get / set buttons produces a message if the operation is not allowed.
Running the example
The GUI_CPP.exe
example is included in the StateWORKS Studio package. You find it in the Installation directory.
While running any StateWORKS application, for instance SWLab, start the SWQuick Monitor program which uses the described GUI interface. The usage is so obvious that it does not make sense to provide any Help or description.
With the TCP/IP Client Library the user gets an important component for linking the Graphical User Interface with StateWORKS run-time systems. This library can also be used to build any other kinds of interfaces to communicate with the run-time system.
A.01 GUI_CPP.cpp
// GUI_CPPDlg.cpp : implementation file//
#include ".\gui_cppdlg.h"#include "GUI_CPP.h"#include "GUI_CPPDlg.h"#include "stdafx.h"#include <algorithm>#ifdef _DEBUG#define new DEBUG_NEW#endif
// CAboutDlg dialog used for App Aboutclass CAboutDlg : public CDialog{ public: CAboutDlg();
// Dialog Data enum { IDD = IDD_ABOUTBOX };
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange *pDX); // DDX/DDV support
// Implementation protected: DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()};
CAboutDlg::CAboutDlg() : CDialog(CAboutDlg::IDD){ //}
void CAboutDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange *pDX){ CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX);}
// CGUI_CPPDlg dialog
CGUI_CPPDlg::CGUI_CPPDlg(CWnd *pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CGUI_CPPDlg::IDD, pParent){ m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME);}
void CGUI_CPPDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange *pDX){ CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX);}
// CGUI_CPPDlg message handlers
BOOL CGUI_CPPDlg::OnInitDialog(){ CDialog::OnInitDialog();
// Add "About..." menu item to system menu.
// IDM_ABOUTBOX must be in the system command range. ASSERT((IDM_ABOUTBOX & 0xFFF0) == IDM_ABOUTBOX); ASSERT(IDM_ABOUTBOX < 0xF000); CMenu *pSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE); if (pSysMenu != NULL) { CString strAboutMenu; strAboutMenu.LoadString(IDS_ABOUTBOX); if (!strAboutMenu.IsEmpty()) { pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR); pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDM_ABOUTBOX, strAboutMenu); } }
// Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically // when the application's main window is not a dialog SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon
// Application initializations
// Pass the callback function to TCPIPClient m_Client.Initialize(RepEvt, this);
CEdit *pHost = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_HOST); pHost->SetWindowText( HOST );
CEdit *pPort = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_PORT); char stPortNumber[16]; itoa(PORTNUMBER, stPortNumber, 10); pPort->SetWindowText( stPortNumber );
CEdit *pResult = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_RESULT); pResult->SetWindowText( "Disconnected" );
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control}
void CGUI_CPPDlg::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam){ if ((nID & 0xFFF0) == IDM_ABOUTBOX) { CAboutDlg dlgAbout; dlgAbout.DoModal(); } else { CDialog::OnSysCommand(nID, lParam); }}
void CGUI_CPPDlg::OnDestroy(){ WinHelp(0L, HELP_QUIT); CDialog::OnDestroy();}
// If you add a minimize button to your dialog, you will need the code below// to draw the icon. For MFC applications using the document/view model,// this is automatically done for you by the framework.
void CGUI_CPPDlg::OnPaint(){ if (IsIconic()) { CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
SendMessage(WM_ICONERASEBKGND, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(dc.GetSafeHdc()), 0);
// Center icon in client rectangle int cxIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON); int cyIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON); CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); int x = (rect.Width() - cxIcon + 1) / 2; int y = (rect.Height() - cyIcon + 1) / 2; // Draw the icon dc.DrawIcon(x, y, m_hIcon); } else { CDialog::OnPaint(); }}
// The system calls this function to obtain the cursor to display while the user drags the minimized window.HCURSOR CGUI_CPPDlg::OnQueryDragIcon(){ return static_cast<HCURSOR>(m_hIcon);}
void CGUI_CPPDlg::OnLbnSelchangeObjectlist(){ CListBox *pObjectList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_OBJECTLIST); CListBox *pAttrList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATTR); CListBox *pReceivedList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_RECEIVED);
// Get selected entry in object list int iIndex = pObjectList->GetCurSel(); CString stItem; pObjectList->GetText(iIndex, stItem);
// Get item type int i = stItem.Find(':'); stItem = stItem.Left(i); // get item type (string) for (i=(int)IT_Item; i<(int)IT_last; i++) if (stItem == aszItemTypes[i]) break; e_ItemTypes eType = (e_ItemTypes)i;
// Copy appropriate attributes to the Attribute list // and initialize the Received list pAttrList->ResetContent(); pReceivedList->ResetContent(); for (i = (int)IAtt_None + 1; i < (int)IAtt_last; i++) { if (abAttribute[i][eType] != a) { pAttrList->AddString(aszItemAttName[i]); pReceivedList->AddString(""); } } pAttrList->AddString(". (all)");}
void CGUI_CPPDlg::OnBnClickedConnect(){ CString stHost; CEdit *pHost = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem(IDC_HOST); pHost->GetWindowText(stHost); string stHost1 = stHost;
if (m_Client.Connected()) MessageBox("Already connected"); else { if (m_Client.Connect(stHost1)) { CEdit *pResult = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem(IDC_RESULT); pResult->SetWindowText("Connected"); // Get all object names string stType; string stValue; int iIndex; string stItem; CListBox *pObjectList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_OBJECTLIST); for (int i = IT_VFSM; i < IT_last; i++) { stType = aszItemTypes[i]; if (m_Client.Request(stType, IAtt_List, stValue)) { if (!stValue.empty()) { // one line contains all objects of a given type separated by LF // add the object one by one into the list; // put the object type in front of the object name iIndex = stValue.find('\n'); while (iIndex > 0) { stItem = stType + ": " + stValue.substr(0, iIndex); pObjectList->AddString(stItem.c_str()); stValue = stValue.substr(iIndex + 1, stValue.length()); iIndex = stValue.find('\n'); } } } } } else MessageBox("Cannot connect to Server"); }}
void CGUI_CPPDlg::OnBnClickedDisconnect(){ if (!m_Client.Connected()) MessageBox("Already disconnected"); else Disconnect();}
void CGUI_CPPDlg::OnBnClickedGet(){ if (!m_Client.Connected()) { MessageBox("Not connected"); return; } string stItemName; CString stItemType; if (!GetItem(stItemType, stItemName)) return; string stAttr; int iIndex; if (!GetAttribute(iIndex, stAttr)) return; CListBox *pReceivedList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_RECEIVED); CListBox *pAttrList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATTR); string stValue; e_ItemAttributes eAttr; if (iIndex == 0) // . (all) attribute selected { for (iIndex = 1; iIndex < pAttrList->GetCount(); iIndex++) { FindAttribute(MT_Request, iIndex, stItemType, eAttr); if (m_Client.Request(stItemName, eAttr, stValue)) { pReceivedList->DeleteString(iIndex); pReceivedList->InsertString(iIndex, stValue.c_str()); } } } else { FindAttribute(MT_Request, iIndex, stItemType, eAttr); if (m_Client.Request(stItemName, eAttr, stValue)) { pReceivedList->DeleteString(iIndex); pReceivedList->InsertString(iIndex, stValue.c_str()); } }}void CGUI_CPPDlg::OnBnClickedSet(){ if (!m_Client.Connected()) { MessageBox("Not connected"); return; } string stItemName; CString stItemType; if (!GetItem(stItemType, stItemName)) return; string stAttr; int iIndex; if (!GetAttribute(iIndex, stAttr)) return; if (stAttr == ". (all)") { MessageBox("Cannot set all attributes. Select one only"); return; } e_ItemAttributes eAttr; FindAttribute(MT_Poke, iIndex, stItemType, eAttr); if (eAttr == IAtt_None) return; CString stValue1; string stValue; CEdit *pToSent = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem(IDC_TOSENT); pToSent->GetWindowText(stValue1); if (stValue1 == "") { int iResult; iResult = MessageBox("Would you really like to write an empty string(0)?", NULL, MB_YESNO); if (iResult == IDNO) return; } stValue = stValue1; CListBox *pReceivedList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_RECEIVED); if (m_Client.Poke(stItemName, stValue, eAttr)) { // The value returned by Poke is not the value really written // Therefore we read it e_ItemTypes eType; for (int i = IT_Item; i < IT_last; i++) { if (stItemType.Compare(aszItemTypes[i]) == 0) eType = (e_ItemTypes)i; } if (abAttribute[eAttr][eType] != aW) { if (m_Client.Request(stItemName, eAttr, stValue)) { pReceivedList->DeleteString(iIndex); pReceivedList->InsertString(iIndex, stValue.c_str()); } } } else MessageBox("Cannot set");}
void CGUI_CPPDlg::OnBnClickedAdvise(){ if (!m_Client.Connected()) { MessageBox("Not connected"); return; } string stItemName; CString stItemType; if (!GetItem(stItemType, stItemName)) return; string stAttr; int iIndex; if (!GetAttribute(iIndex, stAttr)) return; string stValue; e_ItemAttributes eAttr; if (stAttr == ". (all)") { CListBox *pAttrList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATTR); CString stAttr1; for (iIndex = 1; iIndex < pAttrList->GetCount(); iIndex++) { pAttrList->GetText(iIndex, stAttr1); FindAttribute(MT_AdvStart, iIndex, stItemType, eAttr); m_Client.AdviseStart(stItemName, eAttr, stValue); } } else { FindAttribute(MT_AdvStart, iIndex, stItemType, eAttr); m_Client.AdviseStart(stItemName, eAttr, stValue); }}
void CGUI_CPPDlg::OnBnClickedUnadvise(){ if (!m_Client.Connected()) { MessageBox("Not connected"); return; } string stItemName; CString stItemType; if (!GetItem(stItemType, stItemName)) return; string stAttr; int iIndex; if (!GetAttribute(iIndex, stAttr)) return; string stValue; e_ItemAttributes eAttr; if (stAttr == ". (all)") { CListBox *pAttrList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATTR); CString stAttr1; for (iIndex = 1; iIndex < pAttrList->GetCount(); iIndex++) { pAttrList->GetText(iIndex, stAttr1); FindAttribute(MT_AdvStart, iIndex, stItemType, eAttr); m_Client.AdviseStop(stItemName, eAttr); } } else { FindAttribute(MT_AdvStart, iIndex, stItemType, eAttr); m_Client.AdviseStop(stItemName, eAttr); }}
bool CGUI_CPPDlg::GetItem(CString &stItemType, string &stItemName){ // Get Item CListBox *pObjectList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_OBJECTLIST); int iIndex = pObjectList->GetCurSel(); if (iIndex < 0) { MessageBox("Item not selected"); return false; } CString stItem; pObjectList->GetText(iIndex, stItem); // Partition Item into type and name iIndex = stItem.Find(':'); stItemType = stItem.Left(iIndex); stItemName = stItem.Right(stItem.GetLength() - iIndex - 2); return true;}
bool CGUI_CPPDlg::GetAttribute(int &iIndex, string &stAttr){ CListBox *pAttrList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATTR); iIndex = pAttrList->GetCurSel(); if (iIndex < 0) { MessageBox("Attribute not selected"); return false; } CString stAttr1; pAttrList->GetText(iIndex, stAttr1);
stAttr = stAttr1; return true;}
void CGUI_CPPDlg::FindAttribute(const e_MessageType &eMsgType, const int &iIndex, e_ItemAttributes &eAttr){ const CString &stItemType, CListBox *pAttrList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATTR); CString stAttr; pAttrList->GetText(iIndex, stAttr); e_ItemTypes eType; for (int i = IT_Item; i < IT_last; i++) { if (stItemType.Compare(aszItemTypes[i]) == 0) eType = (e_ItemTypes)i; } // Find attribute eAttr = IAtt_None; for (int i = IAtt_None; i < IAtt_last; i++) { if (stAttr.Compare(aszItemAttName[i]) == 0) { eAttr = (e_ItemAttributes)i; switch (eMsgType) { case MT_Request: if (abAttribute[eAttr][eType] == aW) { CString stText; stText.Format("The %s property cannot be read", aszItemAttName[eAttr]); MessageBox(stText); eAttr = IAtt_None; } break; case MT_Poke: if (abAttribute[eAttr][eType] == aR) { CString stText; stText.Format("The %s property cannot be set", aszItemAttName[eAttr]); MessageBox(stText); eAttr = IAtt_None; } break; default: break; } break; } }}
bool CGUI_CPPDlg::EventFromServer(CString stItem, CString stValue){ // Partition into name and attribute int iIndex = stItem.Find('.'); CString stItemName = stItem.Left(iIndex); string stAttr = stItem.Right(stItem.GetLength() - iIndex); // Is the item selected? string stItemNameSelected; CString stItemType; if (!GetItem(stItemType, stItemNameSelected)) return false; if (stItemName != stItemNameSelected.c_str()) return false; // Find attribute in the AttrList CListBox *pAttrList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATTR); CString stAttr1; for (iIndex = 1; iIndex < pAttrList->GetCount(); iIndex++) { pAttrList->GetText(iIndex, stAttr1); if (stAttr1 == stAttr.c_str()) break; } // Display value if (iIndex < pAttrList->GetCount()) { CListBox *pReceivedList = (CListBox *)CGUI_CPPDlg::GetDlgItem(IDC_RECEIVED); pReceivedList->DeleteString(iIndex); pReceivedList->InsertString(iIndex, stValue); } return true;}
void CGUI_CPPDlg::Restart(){ // clear lists CListBox *pObjectList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_OBJECTLIST); pObjectList->ResetContent(); CListBox *pAttrList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATTR); pAttrList->ResetContent(); CListBox *pReceivedList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_RECEIVED); pReceivedList->ResetContent(); CEdit *pToSent = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem(IDC_TOSENT); pToSent->SetWindowText("");
// Get all object names string stType; string stValue; int iIndex; string stItem; Sleep(100); // give the server enough time to reload the configuration for (int i = IT_VFSM; i < IT_last; i++) { stType = aszItemTypes[i]; if (m_Client.Request(stType, IAtt_List, stValue)) { if (!stValue.empty()) { // one line contains all objects of a given type separated by LF // add the object one by one into the list; // put the object type in front of the object name iIndex = stValue.find('\n'); while (iIndex > 0) { stItem = stType + ": " + stValue.substr(0, iIndex); pObjectList->AddString(stItem.c_str()); stValue = stValue.substr(iIndex + 1, stValue.length()); iIndex = stValue.find('\n'); } } } } MessageBox("Restarted");}
void CGUI_CPPDlg::Disconnect(){ m_Client.Disconnect(); // clear lists CListBox *pObjectList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_OBJECTLIST); pObjectList->ResetContent(); CListBox *pAttrList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_ATTR); pAttrList->ResetContent(); CListBox *pReceivedList = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_RECEIVED); pReceivedList->ResetContent(); CEdit *pToSent = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem(IDC_TOSENT); pToSent->SetWindowText(""); CEdit *pResult = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem(IDC_RESULT); pResult->SetWindowText("Disconnected");}
void RepEvt(int Rep, const string &stName, const string &stVal, void *pOwner){ CGUI_CPPDlg *pNode = (CGUI_CPPDlg *)pOwner; switch (Rep) { case RT_AdvisedData: pNode->EventFromServer(stName.c_str(), stVal.c_str()); break; case RT_RequestedData: break; case RT_Restart: pNode->Restart(); break; case RT_Terminate: pNode->Disconnect(); break; default: break; }}
A.02 Attributes
CMD AL DO NI XDA OFUN CNT UNIT UDC TAB VFSM TI DI NO SWIP PAR STR DAT ECNT IAtt_None M R R R R M M R R M R R R R R R R M M.Val IAtt_Value M R R R R M M R R M R R R R R - R M M.SvM IAtt_ServiceMode M M - - M M - - M - - - - - - - - - -.SvV IAtt_ServiceValue M M - - M M - - M - - - - - - - - - -.PeV IAtt_PeripheralValue M M - - R R - - R - - - - - - - - - -.VI IAtt_VI R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.StN IAtt_StateName R - R R - - R R R - R - R R R - R R -.AIL IAtt_AssocItemList R - - R - - - - - - - - - - - R - - -.Typ IAtt_TypeName R R - - - - - - - - - - - - - R - - -.CnC IAtt_CountConstant - - M - - - - - - - - - - M - - M - -.CnR IAtt_CountRegister - - R - - - - - - - - - - R - - R - -.Cat IAtt_Category - - - R - - - - - - R - - - - - - - -.Frm IAtt_Format - - - - - - R R - - R - - - R - - R -.Uni IAtt_PhysicalUnit - - R - - - R R - - R - - - R - - R -.LiL IAtt_LimitLow - - - - - - - - M - R - - - - - - - -.LiH IAtt_LimitHigh - - - - - - - - M - R - - - - - - - -.IVa IAtt_InitValue - - - - - - - - - - R - M - - - - - -.Dat IAtt_DataValue - - - - - - R R R - M - - - M - - M -.Txt IAtt_Text - - - R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.Ack IAtt_Acknowledge - - - W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.Tim IAtt_Time - - - R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.ScF IAtt_ScaleFactor - - - - - - R R - - - - - - - - - - -.Ofs IAtt_Offset - - - - - - R R - - - - - - - - - - -.ScM IAtt_ScaleMode - - - - - - R R - - - - - - - - - - -.Lst IAtt_List R R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.PAd IAtt_PhysAddr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - R - - -.Com IAtt_CommPort - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - R - - -.Trc IAtt_Trace M M M M M M M M M - M - - M M - M M -.RMo IAtt_RunMode M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.NSt IAtt_NextStep R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- = noneR = read onlyM = read / writeW = write only
- Wagner F., TN6-HowToWriteGUI.pdf, February 2004.