StateWORKS Newsletter 3/07


  1. Welcome
  2. Technical note "Testing with StateWORKS"
  3. The monitor SWQuickPro

1. Welcome

As we cannot write error free software, testing of programs plays an important role in software development. Several approaches are used from printf statements in the code up to sophisticated semi-automatic test generators.

Our new monitor SWQuickPro combines SWQuick's ease of use and SWTerm command language and represents a powerful monitor for testing RTDB based applications.

I recommend to you our new technical note "Testing with StateWORKS" which will introduce you to the testing possibilities in StateWORKS development and run-time environment.

F. Wagner

2. Technical note "Testing with StateWORKS"

The technical note "Testing with StateWORKS" deals with software testing problems and discusses approaches applicable to different software development phases. The concept of testing is distinguished from that of verification.

The major part of the note is the description of the SWQuickPro monitor. Its monitoring, logging and testing facilities are presented. The extensions of the StateWORKS command language are specified. Examples of command and error files complete the text.

3. The monitor SWQuickPro

The monitor SWQuickPro is supplied as a part of the StateWORKS Studio Pro IDE.